Standards, Law and Barbarism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in our modern civilization, barbarians only have the upper hand, when the elite give them the upper hand… by double standards in law. When you watch leftist riots on TV, do you think it’s possible you could get away with that? Would the government simply arrest and release you… for arson on a police station? Or would you be given the Jan 6th treatment, where you spend years in prison awaiting your speedy and fair trial, at the hands of political zealots dedicated to your destruction? Which would it be? Your answer also answers the question of whether or not law is fairly adjudicated. When the government plays favorites… it shows who the government favors. So, in our modern surveillance state in all but name, double standards in law aren’t a problem, they’re a feature.

Arson on pro life adoption centers are common today. Probably because the government doesn’t lift a finger to arrest the arsonists. The same goes for churches and synagogues. They’re torched pretty regularly today. For the same reason pro life centers are set alight. The burning of a church, synagogue or pro life adoption center is so common, the media treats it like a story about a dog biting a man. Meanwhile, a man put bacon on the door of a mosque, and the FBI spared no expense to track him down, and make an example of him. The message is clear, the government will use the law to its utmost extent to protect Mosques, but won’t lift a finger to protect a church. Even as the guy who tore down a Satan statue in the Iowa state capital is charged with a hate crime.

Islamists chant “Death to America…” at mass gatherings in Michigan. Cheered on by the progressive elites. Even as citizens are censored on social media. In direct violation of the explicit wording of our Constitution. Americans, the victims the Islamists want dead, have no Right to speak our minds, but Islamists do. The only way this makes sense is if the progressive elites want us dead too. Because if they enforced the law equally and fairly, Islamists would be held to the same standard an American citizen is held to. Not given a total pass for anything up to and including arson. I would remind you, that if you are an American, when someone chants, “death to America…” they’re explicitly threatening your life and the lives of everyone you hold dear. Like yelling fire in a crowded theater.

During the summer 2020 iconoclasm was all the rage. When BLM and ANTIFA rioted to protest the overdose death of a drug dealer, experts in the medical community said riots weren’t a vector for covid, but going to church was. So churches were shut down, by government edict, while riots were abetted. The rioters were, “Given room to vent…” as the police were ordered to stand down. Those trying to improve their ability to fight diseases were summarily arrested, gyms shut down and owners fined. While the government allowed a micro independent state to be set up in Portland Oregon. A few years earlier, Lavoy Finicum had been shot to death by the FBI, for taking part in the “occupation” of a remote park ranger station. While today anti Americans freely occupy our University campuses.

Double standards are not only indicative of a reprehensible elite, hypocrites that are a scourge on mankind… but political favor in action. Organizations that are above the law are favored, and those that are below its protections, are disfavored. Groups like terrorists, communists, anti Americans, corporatists and globalists are favored. So are above the law. While Christians, Jews, American citizens and patriots are disfavored. So are below its protections. There are so many examples of the double standard it’s undeniable. How do we solve this perversion? Point it out to our representatives, senators, and the courts themselves. Send them letters letting them know we notice, and we’re not happy. The few they get from me aren’t sufficient to move the needle… but a few thousand from you, will.


John Pepin

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