Solving Societal Problems

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if it’s true that, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mindset that created the problem…” as Einstein said. Then all the problems we have, that were created by government, cannot be solved by government, and to try will only exacerbate them. One of the reasons government is unable to solve the problems it creates, is the people in charge are so far above the law, they look down on us. Another, is that the incentive is for government to grift from problems, not solve them. Often government created them for a reason. Maybe government is simply the wrong tool? No matter why government is unable to solve the problems it creates, it still can’t solve the problems it creates. So trying over and over, then failing, over and over, seems a solution begging to be replaced.

When people are above the law they naturally look down on the rest of us. Like ants. What do you do to ants? You step on them. So, the elite exploit law to control us, not themselves. The elite decide who is charged and for what. Today they openly choose the person to be charged, then find the crime. As in Trump’s case. Let’s face it, law is an ideal weapon. Those targeted have no recourse, other than violence, and violence simply justifies their abuse at the hands of the law. Law was, is and indeed always has been, the realm of Thrasymachus. So the elite are not as much unlikely to use law to solve problems they created but are certain not to. You don’t use the claw to pull nails from your construction… you use the hammer to drive them in. Problems are fasteners to a corrupt system.

Why should government solve problems when they’re so lucrative? Government doesn’t go to all the work to create problems for nothing. There’s always a reason. That reason is to increase their power, wealth and privilege. Any other rational is mere rhetoric. Every government law has a label, like it’s a good thing, but when passed does it’s literal opposite. That’s because they’re supposed to harm, not help, the benevolent sounding name is deception. Like 230 of the decency act… was supposed to enable websites to block child porn… but in fact abetted CP, while it was used to censor conservative content. Twitter was a cesspool of CP until Musk bought it and rooted the CP out. Problems provide bureaucrats with well paid jobs and retirements, and so, bureaucrats aren’t fixing them anytime soon.

You can drive a screw with a hammer, and you can get it back out with the claws, but a hammer and claw lacks the subtlety that’s a screwdriver. Government is like a hammer. It’s clumsy and has but one function… to coerce by force. It can make war, force laws on us or it can remove them… but it’s always and everywhere by force. That’s a point the libertarians get right. A law must apply to everyone (other than the elite) and so is brute force. Now, brute force is helpful when brute force is required, but when finesse, or personal attention is needed, brute force is harmful. No law can make people more moral, bureaucracy is a poor substitute for a father, and law cannot feed the hungry. You simply can’t legislate your way out of poverty, epidemics or despotism. Because government has but one mindset.

It was worth a try, to use government to solve problems… but it failed. History is adamant on this issue. The free market, fraternal organizations and individuals solve societal problems… government creates them. We follow our governments around cleaning up the messes they make. Until government becomes too big and the messes too extensive to be cleaned up, then civilization collapses… to be started anew. Governments create problems by ineptitude, stupidity and malevolence. Public servants and politicians created our problems, and won’t solve them… but are only too happy to try. Einstein was a smart fellow they say. Which means, the answer is less government, and more free markets, freedom, fraternal organizations, individualism… and we need leaders who will lead by example.


John Pepin

This entry was posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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