Social Experiment

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the human race has run a social experiment many times, always with the same result. That social experiment is, giving totalitarian power to arrogant ignoramuses, to rewrite the world as they think it should be. The result, so far, has always been human suffering and death on a munificent scale. The more power the arrogant ignoramuses are given, the greater the suffering and death. Even as the opposite social experiment has been run a few times, always resulting in scientific advancement, economic wealth and social progress. That experiment was free enterprise mixed with Christianity and limited government. Despite the outcome of the two experiments, the elite demand we run the failed one again. Globally. Proving the elite haven’t reached Piaget’s formal operational stage of development.

The social experiment the elite prefer, is where egotistic arrogant fools, who confuse their lack of wisdom with brilliance, are given despotic powers to reshape a nation… to make it more fair. The parameters of this experiment are; unlimited power, thought control through censorship, and an enemy. They need unlimited power to reshape the culture. Were we allowed to think for ourselves, we would slow the process by asking questions… that’s solved with censorship. Of course, for all this to work we need to be distracted and motivated… by an enemy. Hatred is as motivating to people as gasoline is to a car. The miscellaneous inputs can be changed, the enemy could be Jews, Kulaks, the far right, etc… the censorship can be justified any number of ways, and the people oppressed could be anyone.

The social experiment the elite detest is where the people are given room to invent, improve and advance. In other words… we’re free. The very idea of us hoi polloi doing what we want, and stinking up the place with our sweaty striving… triggers their sense of superiority. Why? Because our liberty is their limit. For humanity to have the freedom to advance, the elite must be limited, in their ability to hinder. For mankind to be able to understand and solve problems we need to be able to talk among ourselves. Which is dangerous to the elite’s privilege. Moreover, the greatest of all sins that capitalism brings, is it’s ability to settle old scores, because there’s money to be made. This attribute of free markets alone undoes centuries of efforts by the elites to alienate us from each other.

History records the result of both experiments. Lenin started one such experiment, where an arrogant ignoramus was given unlimited power, to change a nation to be more “fair.” Lenin used the Bolsheviks to great effect… terrorizing the community. They enforced the speech rules with torture and execution. The enemy he chose were the Kulaks. Then he liquidated all of them, ushered in famines that killed millions, and began a century of suffering, for the Russian and other people to survive. Mao tried the same experiment… resulting in tens of millions dead of famine, a collapsed economy and outright genocide in Xinjiang. Hitler was another run of the experiment as was Idi Amin. In each run the result was the same, human suffering on a scale unknown and unimaginable before.

Wouldn’t wise people, able to understand formal operational stage thinking, choose the winning experiment instead of the failed one… every time? They would. Proving our elites aren’t wise. Then again, how could they be? Having failed to achieve Piaget’s final stage of intellectual advancement. Which suggests… giving people who have yet to reach the final stage of human intellectual maturity, total power to rewrite the law and culture, without limit or consequence for failure… leads to a bad outcome. History proves it and common sense supports that conclusion. So why don’t our elites? Who think themselves our betters in intellect, learning, and wisdom? Because the elite are the problem and always have been. They could care less about the result, they just like running the experiment.


John Pepin

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