Sleeper Cell Migration

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if migrants are paying 10k each to be shuttled across the border, that means we’re getting middle class people seeking a better life… as well as paid agitators. No starving migrant has 10k to drop… proving the point. A few million people at 10k each adds up to quite a sum of illegally acquired money. Moreover, illegally acquired money is corrupting. Which means our governments are corrupted by it. The national security apparatus should be our allies in limiting mass migration… but they’re not. The three letter agencies are participating in the crime. We know our enemies are infiltrating sleeper cells into the US and Europe. They’d be foolish not to. So what we have in our immigration system, is a Hegelian strategy to enrich the elite, and create chaos in the homeland.

Human smuggling is a profitable enterprise. Enabled by the US elites open borders policy. I have to wonder how much money the smugglers are kicking back to the elite? With the revelation of the NIH getting payola from the companies they regulate, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, I suspect the payoff is enormous. If not purely in money some is probably in sex slaves or adrenochrome. Our elites like adrenochrome like a chicken likes grasshoppers. Since bureaucrats are the ones abetting the crime against humanity, that is human smuggling, I bet they’re the ones getting the biggest payoffs. Like Fauci did during the plandemic. One thing we know, is that once a crime is exposed, it always turns out to be larger in scope and deeper in horror than what we initially see.

You would think the vaunted CIA would also have this information? That people are paying 10k each to be trafficked to the US. While our enemies are using our open borders to smuggle in sappers. The people seeking a better life are irrelevant. Only the terrorists count. The CIA is supposedly far more intelligent than I, since it’s in their name, intelligence agency. Ignoring their past failures, like, “WMD in Iraq is a slam dunk…” for example, they should be up on everything national security. It’s their single job. Yet the CIA is silent about flooding the US with sleeper cells? Why do you suppose that is? Clearly, it’s a violation of their job description, to facilitate terrorist cells in the US. They probably have a plan that’s so wicked smaat we just don’t understand it.

I wonder how much chaos the sleeper cells will cause once they’re triggered? I’m sure they’ll activate to insure maximum chaos. To enhance their effect. The CCP has camps set up in Central America, facilitating the sleeper cell integration into the migrant herd. Terrorists have already activated, the media has been silent about it though. With multiple attacks on our military bases, this year, sooner or later one will get through. Remember the substations that were attacked a few years ago? I’m thinking they were small scale trial runs. Imagine the disaster the destruction of a dozen critical substations would do? It could take out the entire US grid for perhaps months. Coupled with home invasions, random terrorism, military bases taken over… and you have a recipe for canceling the election.

Maybe the plan is to create chaos in the homeland, to traumatize us, so we’ll demand to be tyrannized. That’s a plan the CIA can get behind. Absolute power has been a goal of the bureaucracy since Woodrow Wilson. The problem for our future oligarchs, with ushering in a despotic global administrative state, is the US and history are powerful examples against it. So they have to go. The US is resilient due to our Christian faith and our belief in the American way. Establishing atheism as the state religion was the first step. Perverting history and our kids was the next. Now bringing in enough migrants, who are criminals, have no connection to the US, no skills, are opposed to Christianity, and ideally, sleeper cells to be rooted out by despotism, is a fast track to their utopia, and our Hell.


John Pepin

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