Should We Have A Police Of Government?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if a thug robs you on the street, you would call the cops, but if the government robs you of your Rights, who do you call? Certainly not the police, they are the marshal arm of the government that is robbing you. The answer is, you call no one, instead you smile, wipe the blood from your lip, and ask, “May I have another?” Hoping the government has turned it’s malign eye to some other victim. Try waving the Constitution in front of a bureaucrat and see how far that gets you. That parchment protection is toothless unless we give them to it. Our forefathers created police as a deterrent to highway robbery, perhaps we should create police of government, to deter government from robbing us of our Rights? Then we would have someone to complain to… when government goes rogue.

Imagine the chaos if there were no police. We are getting a slight preview of it in progressive cities that have defunded the police. That defunding has been short lived, in that the crime wave it generated has swept those cities, washing them in every sort of outrage against civil society. Murders, robbery and rapes have skyrocketed in those cities. Yet, they still have policing, albeit at a limited capacity. Imagine if there were no cops at all? It would be chaos. Because the law abiding would try to live their lives in peace, but the pathological will be freed of limits, and they would reduce the world to poverty, violence and despotism. The most violent, malevolent and manipulative would rise to the top… like dross. That is exactly why our un-policed governments work.

Our governments are the wild west today. Everything they do is hidden for national security reasons and they are not held to any standard whatsoever. The reason the Deeps State loathes Edward Snowden, is not that he put the US in danger, but he exposed them for who they are, and what they serve. That light of scrutiny, although momentary, scalded them like a crucifix does a vampire. They will never forgive him, or any other real whistle blower. (BTW, we still don’t officially know the name of the whistle blower that started the first Trump impeachment trial, to protect him). Snowden and others showed us that the State monitors us in complete defiance of our Constitution. Obama was able to have citizens murdered by drone without trial or warrant, and 2020 showed us our votes no longer count.

One way to tell if the government is largely virtuous or corrupt is by the crime rate. Is the crime rate rising or falling? A rising crime rate is proof government is more corrupt than society. A falling crime rate is proof government is more virtuous than the societal aggregate. Today, not only in cities that have defunded the police, are the crime rates rising, but everywhere. Because people follow their leaders. You do, and I do, consciously and unconsciously. The more corrupt they are the more corrupt we will be. Moreover, their corruption is unchecked because they are not policed. They self police. Since we follow our leaders, and our leaders are corrupted by a lack of policing, our society is corrupted by that lack as well. No amount of police or draconian punishments will turn that ship around.

The ideal society would need no police of the citizenry or of government because everyone would be so virtuous. That society does not and has never existed. While some cultures are more civil, moral and industrious than others, none has ever been so godly they didn’t need supervision. The bureaucrats, politicians and judiciary, have abandoned their legitimate roles, for bank rolls. Since we are not ideal, and government officials certainly are not, then shouldn’t we create a police force, tasked with policing the elite? Hold them, criminally, to the tenets of our Constitution, like they hold us to their edicts. If they were held to our Constitution, and their own laws, to the letter, government would become transparent, accountable and no longer the wild west. That would be a boon to humanity for all time.


John Pepin

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