Right Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, elitists like to think they’ll be at the top if a totalitarian system comes in, but when they’re excluded from the halls of power, they often become enraged. Too little too late for them though. They’ve ceded their right to a say by their past strident statements. Some honestly believe in the rightness of monarchy, others the wisdom of aristocracy, while there are those who prefer democracy. Despite the fact history proves them all failures. Each leading the state and people into unrecoverable disasters. The siren song of using state power to solve societal problems, is one that’s easy for everyone to hear, and alluring to the elite’s ear. Nevertheless, the problem of the right ordering of society remains. How to order society without the government eventually driving us into a ditch?

Class Elitists think that experts should run the show. Why not? They’re smarter, better educated and dog gone it… better people. Elitists look down on humanity as ignorant, foolish and easily manipulated. Which is an example of projection. The elite may be highly educated but that doesn’t mean they know anything of value. Since the elite aren’t subject to the corrective feedback mechanisms you and I are, they’re susceptible to ever more insane ideas. Moreover, living in an echo chamber atop an ivory tower, makes them easy to manipulate. Which results in a despot, rising from within the dross of aristocracy, to become Caesar. Bypassing any good that might come of a Marcus Aurelius, and going directly to Nero. Making rule by the elite, aristocracy, a stop on the path to collapse.

Totalitarian elitists believe that republics and democracies are wrong forms in that no one takes responsibility for the nation’s outcome. For good or bad, the wire pullers in parliament sit at the table, changing the course of nations, get rich doing so, and hide when the bill of responsibility comes due. That’s why totalitarian elitists believe in a monarch. To rightly order society, make laws that make sense and take responsibility for the results. Then force everyone to get onboard. Corporations, individuals and government, all on one page, working together to make the Fuhrer’s goals come true. Because that’s how monarchy always ends up. With a Fuhrer. History is unambiguous on this fact. No state governed by a monarch hasn’t quickly become a tyranny. It’s the nature of despotism.

Democrats are of the opinion that people are best served who serve themselves. Every person should have an equal say. Get rid of parliament and monarch in favor of a total democratic system. We have the technology. Then the people would choose, the people would win or lose, and the people would bear responsibility. This notion is idealistic in it’s simplicity. While generally, the people are canny, we’re subject to mob mentality. A demagogue can stir us into a froth getting us to vote against our best interest, as did Alcibiades, and lead a people into disaster. Like Syracuse. Moreover, democracy can be the source of internal friction. That friction heating up a society to the melting point. At which the elite step in and take over. To stop the chaos. Leading to oligarchy then tyranny and finally collapse.

A republic, Aristotle’s ideal form of government is great… on paper. Republics, as history has shown, are just as subject to being perverted as any other form of government. Even the advent of Constitutionally limited government has failed. Because, whenever people are vested with power over others, good people will turn bad, bad people will be attracted to it, and the run of the mill person will be turned off by the whole sordid affair. What’s the answer then? To take the US founder’s republican solution the next step. Limit the elite by constitution, pit them against each other, add absolute transparency as the default, and give it teeth. If government is limited, the damage it can do is also limited. No matter who rules, limit them, by constitution, penalty, responsibility and transparency.


John Pepin

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