“Representative” Party?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… a political party should at least pretend to represent the people of the country they govern. In what universe does it make sense for a political party to insult the dominant religion of the people, in favor of one that is diametrically opposed to the values and Constitution, of their founders? Does it make sense for a political party to expect to be reelected, when their economic policies have done such great damage, to the interests of the vast majority of economic actors? What people would think that it is acceptable to clearly lie about their record, their results and their intentions? You would think that we would react unkindly to this level of affront to our sensibilities. To allow such actions to go unquestioned by the unbiased media puts our Republic and our welfare in dire jeopardy.

The Democratic convention started out with a Muslim Jumah prayer. The prayer was on Friday and was sanctioned by the party. The party that seeks to allow sharia law within our boarders! Lest anyone be ignorant of the tenets of Sharia… let’s remind you. Sharia allows polygamy, marriage to female children of 9 years old, stoning of women accused of adultery… rape included, execution of anyone who converts away from Islam, dhimmi status of all non Muslims and a host of other rules that are in direct opposition to our laws and the tenets of the Constitution of the United States. While Muslim prayers began the Democratic Convention references to God was removed from their platform.

The most ardent ally of the United States in the Middle East, perhaps the World, is Israel. The Democrats have removed the plank in their party calling for the sanctity of Jerusalem and US support for Israel. To throw our staunchest ally under the bus, would seem to be heartless, and shows other allies that their friendship is not guaranteed under a Democratic regime. If our closest ally can be callously tossed away how can any ally trust us?

The Democrats party while the economy burns. News story after news story inform us that the United States has slipped in competitiveness, is facing runaway inflation, has now hit 100% plus debt to GDP, faces more high unemployment for years to come… and economic woes are the new normal. How is it, anyone can read this economic news, and not be moved at the disconnection between what the Democrats say about their efforts. and the results of those efforts? Moreover, isn’t it a slap in our collective faces, that the Democrats claim the private sector is doing fine… it is government that needs more money?

Just a casual look at the economic numbers is sobering. According to the Fed’s own fact sheet, the amount of M1 and M2 money in circulation, has grown at 17.8% in the last three months! Yet the Fed is actually talking about printing more money in their newest incarnation of Quantitative Easing! Apparently these people don’t think the laws of economics apply to them. But then again… why should they, no other laws seem to.

What becomes of a political party when they stop representing the people and resent them instead? The slaps in the face to the American people are coming faster and they are hitting us harder with every whack. I wonder, if we have become like a battered woman, too used to the humiliation and assaults to walk out and try something different. The batterer wants us to think the World outside is dangerous but we know the world inside is. At what point does the abuse of our religion, economy, blatant lies and dignity become so much that we turn from them?

The trouble is… are the Republicans that much better? Well at least some of them agree with the American people. Not the ones in charge now, but more and more, as the Elite Republicans like McCain are replaced by Tea Party types. You can reliably tell who is against us and the Republic, when they attack people who are for us, like Michele Bachmann, when they insult our intelligence with blatant lies, as they call the majority opinion extreme… and work to undermine our Constitution. The answer will be determined in November. Lets hope we choose wisely, else our Republic is in danger, as are our allies around the World. Or are we already too used to the insults to do anything about it?


John Pepin

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