Rape Gangs In Britain

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the hypocrisy and double standard of the British government, is astonishing. They’ve refused to even investigate literal rape gangs… while jailing the man who’s complaining about rape gangs! Judged by actions, UK elites support rape gangs, and hate those who don’t approve. Otherwise, the elite would do something about the rape gangs, and not the people complaining about them. Because, lets face it, rape gangs roaming the streets of Britain? Seriously? The elite there don’t think that might be a bad look, for UK tourism, economics and society? One stumbles in though at how the elite there could be that stupid. Even if they want the rapes to continue unabated, denying even an investigation, while jailing complainers is bad optics… politically, reputationally, as well as morally.

I think we can all agree that rape gangs raping little girls is a bad thing? Can’t we? Seems like that’s a universal morality. No parent wants their daughter raped, and by the Golden Rule then, they must also believe other little girls should be free from that crime. Moreover, those who speak their own minds best stand up for others who are jailed for speaking theirs… else we’re all in danger of prison for our opinions. Because, if complaining about little girls being raped, is wrongspeak, how much more is complaining about the politically divisive? Thus normalizing raping little girls. That’s so crazy to me that the elite in the UK would fight and die on that bridge. It’s not the Arnhem Bridge, and Monty would shoot them himself, for abetting rape. In Britain no less?

You might think that rape gangs might roam the streets of some violence torn chaos of a country… but Britain? With the full support of the government? A first world nation sunk to such depths. Which is a reflection of the elite and the people that allowed it. The courts that violated, not only their oaths but justice itself, are even more culpable. Innumerable police turned a blind eye to rape gangs victimizing little girls in their jurisdiction. How can any of them sleep at night? Their black hole of morals, ethics and humanity, out masses Sagittarius A. A nation is primarily the reflection of the elite that run it. Because the people follow their leaders… into corruption, or virtue. In the case of Britain, with rape gangs roaming the streets raping little girls… unpunished, uninvestigated and protected.

Can you imagine their lack of self awareness and complete void of shame? Who’s so unabashed, they would be videoed saying they’re cool with rape gangs, and so is the government? To be recorded for history. Knowing that in a hundred, a thousand, and even a million years… people will ridicule you. That takes a void of wisdom as well. Because we all know that our times will be recorded in the annuls of history. Well, all of us, but the elite. They seem to think they live in a time bubble? Where they can say the most absurd things and people in the future will go along too. But lets face it, no one in the future will go along with rape gangs preying on little girls, and jailing those who complain about it. Our elites lack the leverage.

The elite in the UK apparently think rape gangs roaming the streets of Britain is perfectly acceptable. As they imprison Tommy Robinson for complaining about it. Showing the elite detest wrongthink more than rape gangs raping little girls. There should be double jeopardy. The threat of family vendetta and law. In Texas, a farmer caught a man raping his daughter in the barn. The Texas father beat the rapist to death and wasn’t charged. In Christian culture the role of father, brother, uncle and cousin… is to protect little girls. That’s why governments have been quick to act. To suppress the just outrage that leads to violence. Because, a government that fails to protect the most vulnerable, loses the authority, credibility and justness to govern. It then becomes the duty of citizens to replace it.


John Pepin

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