Racists, Bigots and Fascists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, watering down the language to vilify a political position, can only result in evil. When progressives call anyone a racist who, doesn’t believe in anthropomorphic climate change, doesn’t want nuclear war, seeks to insure our democracy can be trusted, favors limited government, etc… simply waters down the term racist, until it means nothing anymore. Which is what a real racist would want. Meanwhile, progressives will say the most racist things imaginable, but since they control the media that calls itself unbiased, they get away with it. Nevertheless, their machinations will result in more of what the progressives claim they want to eliminate. Which, since they are so much smarter than us, (or so they claim) suggests they actually want more racism, violence, hate and division.

Words have meanings, and when those meanings are twisted for political points, the definitions lose their value to stop evil. Water down the term racist and sooner or later the pejorative will have no meaning. Once real racism is conflated with any position progressives disagree with… actual racist hate will be able to flourish. Like the open racism of Margaret Sanger, or Woodrow Wilson. True racists like them, who advocated for the extermination of the Negro race, one by abortion, the other by the KKK. Their naked racism is hidden, when someone who seeks to prevent nuclear war with Russia… is called a racist. Obviously, the two have nothing in common, but progressives are happy to call anyone who thinks mankind should not be exterminated in radioactive fire… racists. How Stalinesque of them.

When words no longer have value to stop evil, evil can grow unimpeded. Calling anyone who disagrees with the progressives about limited government, a fascist, hides the true evil of national socialism. The progressive pretends to hate fascism, but even a cursory glance at their tactics, shows they either are too stupid to understand what the word means, else they are diabolically pushing for actual fascism, even as they claim to be against it. Which in and of itself is diabolical. Hitler himself praised American progressives. Now that limited government is fascist, and national socialism no longer is, it opens the door to national socialists to come back into power, and foist their evil on the world once again. By abusing the language progressives are enabling real fascism to rise.

Progressive leaders are not stupid, they are psychopathic, very intelligent, charismatic, manipulative and immoral, so the argument, they know not what they do… is absurd. Why then would the progressives use a tactic they themselves know will result in the very thing they claim to be against… when they know better? Because they are actually for those things. Is it possible to deny that saying, “Every white person is a racist…” is not openly and obviously racist? Clearly, by the old definition of racist, a belief that all members of a race share a common mindset, it is, but by the new definition, (not progressive) it is not. Progressives are not only willing to foster violence, increase real racism and promote fascism to forward their agenda, they gleefully seek those evils… like Hitler did.

The truth is, Marxists of every stripe know that socialism has failed, it was proven not to work in the twentieth century. In fact, the primary lesson of the twentieth century was that socialism always results in famine, oppression and suffering. Yet the progressives are not willing nor able, to give up their pipe dream of a utopia, where the rest of us are their slaves. So instead of pitting the poor against the rich, they pit groups against each other… to create race and religious wars fostering societal collapse. Then they can build their socialist utopia on the ash heap of civilization. They use the tactics of Hitler and Stalin to amass power, and it should be obvious to anyone, that a would be Hitler or Stalin, should not be allowed anywhere near the levers of power, let alone given arbitrary rule they so desperately seek.


John Pepin

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