Races To The Bottom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in races to the bottom the good are hobbled, and the corrupt get a head start. That’s why insufferable scumbags like to start them. Take for example, the efforts to undermine election integrity, the importation of unlimited illegal aliens, and the use of riots as a political weapon. Each of these are effectively a race to the bottom. The faction that starts it always gleefully runs ahead. Gaining an unfair advantage. Which is why humanity is always hobbled. Because the corrupt win the races to the bottom. Especially the ones they start. We’re not mere spectators of the spectacle though. We’re participants whether or not we participate. The answer then, is to participate… and call off races to the bottom. For our good and the good of posterity.

Election integrity or more properly, the lack of election integrity, is a race to the bottom. How? The more shenanigans effect the outcome of elections the more politicians will have to use them. Eventually every faction will have to use mischief else become irrelevant. That’s why the republicans in the US have to ballot harvest, encourage mail in voting and are hiring lawyers by the gross. US elections, and indeed elections across the world, are increasingly becoming races to the bottom. The most corrupt win. France proves that. The more fraud becomes normalized and wins elections, the more it will be used. Which clearly, hobbles the honest and gives the corrupt a post advantage. Then again, it’s only a race to the bottom, because we’ve allowed it to become a race to the bottom.

Allowing unlimited amounts of illegal aliens to enter the nation is a sprint to the bottom of a snake pit. The chaos they bring alone is civilization destroying. Though that chaos, crime and resulting outrage justifies despotism. Which is the ribbon they want to run through. Eventually, those factions seeking to preserve the civilization will have to resort to, importing people who like and want to preserve the civilization as well… to balance the importation of criminals, terrorists and welfare cheats. In that race, those seeking chaos are rounding the second turn while the other faction hasn’t even left the gate. Crime has become normalized in Europe and the US now. Only “racists” are outraged when little girls are stabbed, bombs go off, or people are beheaded in Spain. Because we’ve allowed it.

The summer of love 2020 saw the widespread use of riots as a political weapon. The rioters were given room to vent. Arson was tolerated by the elite as was iconoclasm. Anything was justified to get Trump out of office. Even releasing a gain of function chimeric virus on mankind followed up with a shot that killed more than the virus. But that’s a different story. Here, the use of fiery but peaceful protests, against the overdose death of a drug addict in police custody, was an obligation. The medical experts assured us marching, crowding together or rioting wasn’t a vector for disease, but going to church was. Then when the other faction protested over the election fraud race to the bottom, the faction that started all of them, arrested and jailed the peaceful protesters. While allowing violent leftists to go free.

Races to the bottom are spectacles that everyone sees. They’re undeniable. As are the ones we’re participating in right now. While entertaining, these races to the bottom will lower not only our lot, but the lot of mankind perhaps forever. As participants we could make a difference. We could speak up and demand election integrity. We might call our representatives, and point out we’re displeased with the importation of unlimited illegals, in their race to the bottom. Else some of us could request criminal consequences for those elite guilty of criminal offenses. Like election fraud, bio weapons research, rioting, and openly breaking immigration law. If we did these things, these races to the bottom would have to stop. It’s our cheering them on that gives them wings. So stop cheering and start booing.


John Pepin

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