Progressivism, Marxism and Socialism… the Philosophy of Hate.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressivism is at heart a very hate filled philosophy. All socialist philosophies need an enemy and race all too often provides that enemy. Since socialism perpetually lowers the standard of living in any nation that takes it on, the elite need to divert attention from their failures, usually by pointing at some enemy and claiming it is the fault of those people, or the exigencies that must be endured to fight this or that bogyman. Misdirection is the key. Keep people angry at some scapegoat so they don’t realize who the real adversary is, the socialists themselves. To that end, we constantly hear in the new class progressive media, that workers should hate the rich, white people are all evil and racists, that our economy is failing because of “trickle down,” world peace could be at hand except for those Zionist Jews, etc… there is always some evildoer who is responsible for our problems, it is never the fault of our leaders. This has worked for generations to lower our expectations and standard of living and move us to socialism.

In the past, those who progressives pointed at as being evil were blacks, Jews, American Indians and Gypsies. They were the hated people. Woodrow Wilson, the uber progressive President that ushered in the US interventionist foreign policy debacle of the 20th century, watched Birth of a Nation, the Klu Klux Clan movie… in the White house! Margret Sanger so hated blacks she started Planned Parenthood so that Black women would commit voluntary genocide. Progressives always need a scapegoat and whatever race is out of favor today provides that scapegoat. When the scapegoat changes, those who were in that category are so relieved they are no longer hated, immediately jump on the bandwagon to hate others. Yesterday progressives hated blacks, today they hate whites, the only strand that is continuous is the hate.

The new class progressive leaders in academia decide who today’s villain is. They nurture the hate of the kids they are in charge of teaching with propaganda and innuendo. Those who fall into that hated group are even taught to hate themselves with empty absurdities like, “white privilege” and “Zionists.” the theme of hatred flows from socialism like water from a spring. Those at the very top of academia are so full of loathing for their fellow man it is hard to comprehend. Socialism itself is a philosophy that people are too stupid to run their own lives. Those who believe that people are such imbeciles they cannot make even the most basic decisions, cannot have real compassion for their fellow human beings, such a philosophy is rooted in loathing and hate.

The Nazis inculcated their hate in the colleges too, the traditional place the new class spreads it’s invective. Some hansom college professor would walk into a theater filled with pretty girls and hansom boys, upper class youth, and begin by espousing his utter humanity and concern for some group he was about to argue should be exterminated. (Just like today in our universities and colleges). He would show pictures of profoundly handicapped individuals, and ask those upper class youth, “Would you want to live this way?” The childish college kids, who’s only experience in life was drinking, carousing and sex, would be horrified and in unison say, “NO!” And the argument had been made and won the day without so much as a single human hearted voice disagreeing. The result was the Nazis murdered everyone in every mental facility in Germany… in the name of humanity. Then the real slaughter began.

Hate crimes are a perfect example of how this is done. The socialists seek to control even our thoughts, and so they make thought illegal for the politically unfavored group, while anything goes for the politically favored groups. Today if a black person avows his hatred for whites and commits violence against one, no hate crime has been committed, but if even through innuendo a white can be accused of committing a crime with the wrong ideas in his head, he gets charged with a hate crime. If a synagogue is vandalized by a Muslim, there has been no hate crime, but if a Christian does it all Christians are haters who must get extra punishment. The inconsistencies of the progressive world view are the bread and butter of socialism and hatred blinds the adherents to those inconsistencies.

Since socialism seeks to control every aspect of human existence, with as much coercive power as is possible, and most people yearn to be free, a means must be found to pry our freedoms from us. Hate is that means. The new class seeks to establish atheism as the state religion, against the dictates of our Constitution, and so Christianity is called backward and evil. They want to destroy the nuclear family, and so we have the gay mafia destroying anyone who disagrees with them, as a hater. The new class are attacking police officers today… as haters who violate the rights of blacks. When Al Sharpton chanted, “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? NOW,” the insinuation was obvious, but he wasn’t charged with inciting violence, hate speech or a hate crime. The hate he was espousing was to create unrest and violence. Upheaval that would give the new class elite an excuse to clamp down, moving us further from our Constitution to their Utopian world socialist government, by creating Dystopia.

Hate is a powerful weapon especially in the hands of Machiavellian actors intent on a socialist utopia. So if you are told to hate someone for their skin color, religion or any other arbitrary attribute, you can rest assured you are being manipulated. If you are in the politically favored group today, don’t fall into the trap, because tomorrow you might fall into the politically unfavored group. Don’t believe in the scapegoat, tomorrow you might be that scapegoat, and it will be too late because you have empowered the elite to make you a scapegoat. Once power is given to the elite, it can only be taken back by force, and the state has a monopoly on violence. So don’t give them that power to begin with… think for yourself.


John Pepin

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