Privacy, Cashless and the Deep State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the war on cash is in fact, a war on privacy, specifically, personal privacy from the state. A state that around the world is becoming ever more hidden from us, behind layers of secrecy, propaganda and use of the bureaucracy as a political weapon. Our governments have become chimeras, hermaphrodites, mutations of the limited government guaranteed us and enshrined in our constitutions, instead they have become two entities, the part we see, the “constitutional” government, and the part we never see, the bureaucracy, the deep state. The state that demands we lay ourselves bare before them so they can peer into our every crevice and under our every hair, meanwhile exploiting the machinery of government for it’s naked political ends against us, is one that is a tyranny in fact if not in name. Once cash is eliminated, the last thin wisp of chiffon we still have covering ourselves will be gone, and we will stand in a bright blue light naked for our bureaucracy to behold, as our masters stand behind a one way mirror, laughing at our deformities. The slide to our subservience to the deep state will be complete.

All evils start with a hint of good. If Hitler had come right out and told Germany, “Hey, let’s round up a murder all the Gypsies, Jews, Roma, Slavs and Blacks we can get our hands on, it will be a good time for all.” He might not have garnered so many votes for Chancellor. No, he couched his evil in slogans of a revitalized Germany, stronger economy, elimination of poverty, better public infrastructure and making the trains run on time. Just as Hitler hid his true agenda, progressive globalists are hiding theirs by claiming going cashless is… to stop crime, eliminate tax evasion, fight the war on drugs, better fund the schools and create a more tolerant society. They cannot come right out and say, “Our end goal is to enslave humanity to a world government that operates outside any scrutiny, and labors under the philosophy of arbitrary rule. In other words, the Frankfurt School philosophy of government.

Eliminating cash is a huge windfall to the banks. Everyone who understands how things work knows the banks and the banking system is a beloved industry to government. Those who run governments have discovered that if they control the banks, they can spend absurd amounts of money every year and the banks will call the debt class AAA, and fund it forever! That gives banks a beloved place in the hearts of bureaucrats, autocrats and democrats everywhere. That is why every country on the planet has a central bank. That Central bank is a quasi government agency. It actually beholds to the banks and bank executives. The whole thing being a cash cow for government and it’s cronies. Look at how Goldman, Morgan, and the other too big to fail banks get fined billions of dollars a year but no one ever goes to jail! In a cashless society, instead of getting a bite at all transactions that take place with a credit card, banks will get a bite of every transaction that takes place! Billions of dollars of profit for government’s favorite crony.

Since banks and government have such a close and loving relationship, one that has stood the test of time and of the trials that life can throw at us, sharing everything… and banks will have access to every transaction that takes place, government will also know every time you get a washtub of soda, buy a gun at a yard sale or get a bottle of Old Duke, as well as where you are at all times. Banks will be only too happy to share information with government to protect the status quo. With modern algorithms can look at huge data sets like that and predict disquieteningly accurate things, that information can be put to good use. Near complete knowledge of every person, our likes, wants, habits, hates, loves, our fears and our hopes, allows the deep state, the bureaucracy, to control us and manipulate us, to head off unrest and force us to live as they choose instead of as we choose. Knowledge is power… especially if it has coercive might, and knowing everything about everyone, is absolute coercive might! But then again… governments have never shown themselves to be heartless, conniving and manipulative before… right?


John Pepin

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