Post Election Riots

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the violence we are seeing by progressives in our major cities is a result of fear, fear that Trump will abuse his political power as their man Obama did. Obama used every aspect of government to promote his ideology and destroy anyone who disagreed with him. Even Obama’s rhetoric foretold who he is, instead of calling conservatives the opposition, Obama called people enemies, rather than dialogue Obama vilified the loyal opposition, when Tea Party groups sought tax free status the Obama IRS denied them, Obama used taxpayer money to campaign for Clinton and himself in 2012, conservatives regularly get audited and some vocal conservatives get audited every year, Obama went around congress over and over, even signing a treaty with Iran, giving them a path to nuclear weapons without going to the Senate as the Constitution requires, in short Obama used every dirty trick in Alinsky’s book to grab and hold political power, and the progressives are worried Trump will do the same to them.

Fear is a powerful motivator. A person who is afraid will walk through fire and to a progressive loss of political power is terrifying. To a progressive, government is everything, mother, father, sister and brother, government is the means to all ends and is the best bludgeon there is. Progressives see government as the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong, and those who wield that political power as having the ability to decide, what is right and what is wrong. Since progressives are atheists at heart they have no concept of a greater moral code, the code the US was founded on, instead they see only a political code. Rights are, to a progressive, only those things the government allows the people to do, and if government changes it’s mind, the rights change as well. As a result, progressives feel real terror when they are not in charge, the terror that someone will use their own tactics against them.

I predicted progressives would become violent if Trump won and my prediction has been validated by progressives themselves. Daily riots are the norm in almost every major city in the US today because of progressive fear. To predict a cat will chase a mouse is no great feat and to predict progressives will become violent isn’t either. Since progressive ideology is based on hate, anger, and envy, and is implemented by government violence, it only follows progressives will become violent anytime they believe they can get away with it. Hate is their core emotion, envy is their primary motivator and anger is the horse they ride in on, making Violence the essence of progressivism.

Funded by billionaires like George Soros, these progressive organizations have the deep pockets to hire rioters, bus drivers and lawyers to foment violence and frustrate the legal establishment’s attempts to quell it. Instead of winding down, as anger usually does in time, these mobs are getting more violent and destructive. Until the racketeers have been arrested shutting off the flow of funds to the rioters, plan on seeing them get further out of hand until marshal law is imposed. Which is of course the plan, impose martial law and negate the election results. I guess if someone has enough money they are above the law, as Soros has proven over and over again, like when he beat his 19 year old girlfriend up badly, and she went to the NYC police, who turned her away! Progressives don’t believe in the rule of law because to them, it is merely the will of those in charge, and never part of a greater moral code.

The fear that progressive feel is in some ways justified. Trump has shown himself to be a man who holds grudges. Look how Trump went continued to go after Cruz after Cruz ceded victory to Trump in the primaries. This should be a warning to all progressives that Trump is a man who will exact revenge. Since Obama has created so many precedents to abuse Presidential power, for a political end, to harm enemies and help friends, all Trump need do is follow in Obama’s footsteps. There were no consequences for Obama and there probably will not be for Trump who is only doing what his predecessor did. Progressive organizations may have a much harder time getting tax free status, progressive news outlets may find themselves being audited, they might find their FBI files have been used to get a lever on them, they might find a government purge sweeps them from their beloved bureaucracy and they might discover their reliable allies in the media turning on them in fear of Trump. Indeed progressives have no one to blame but themselves.

Progressives created the environment where political power is the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong, they have devolved our system of government so that rights come from government, they used mean spirited rhetoric to slander their opponents and rather then debate a point resorted to personal attacks. They used the tactics of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book ‘Rules for Radicals’ to Satan. Progressives gleefully tried to destroy anyone who disagreed with their plans, personally and vindictively, in fact progressives created the very system and atmosphere they now fear, which explains the old saying, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.


John Pepin

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