Politically Favored Ideas

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, ideas can have political favor, and so anyone who wants political favor, need only advocate for one of those ideas. In the absence of any real accomplishment, ability or spiritual transcendence, promoting an idea with political favor, will get the promoter political favor. Climate change for example. Anyone who tries to prove climate change is man made, despite the billion year history of climate change on Earth, before mankind emerged from the Garden… will be bestowed heaps of political favor. Like Al Gore’s Nobel prize. An idea that’s captured the minds of the elite, by definition, has political favor. Notions powerful people want to be true have a natural political favor, and those notions that seem true, without any thinking, tend to be favored.

Political favor is the privilege that some ideas get over others. Occasionally because of merit but usually due to the elite’s desire the idea to be true or the notion’s magnetism. The idea of the nuclear family had a great deal of political favor a few decades ago, not so much now, since the elite favor the slut life for little girls. While the idea cigarette smoking was the smoker’s business, had favor, smoking was allowed, now the politically favored idea is, cigarette smoking is bad, smoking’s no longer allowed. Illustrating, politically favored ideas change across time and space. The political favor of an idea has no bearing whatsoever as to the merit of the idea. It simply refers to the privilege the idea gets politically. Moreover, the belief society gives an idea, is directly correlated to its political favor.

Notions such as climate change, socialism, and the transsexual absurdity, have political favor because the elite adore them, want them to be true and are captured in the Jungian sense, by them. Therefore spend gargantuan sums of money pushing them on the public, through media, education and law. Even as they censor any alternative message as hate. Meanwhile, politically disfavored ideas like free markets, individualism and limited government are lampooned by the elite as radical right wing. Evidence capitalism works is studiously overlooked anywhere the lot of Mankind is improved by it. Circular arguments become accepted as common sense for those notions with sufficient political favor. No matter how absurd they are. How else could the Nazis have risen to power in a democracy?

Advancing politically favored ideas is a sure way to advance a career, just as disproving a politically favored notion is a career destroyer. Compare the favor history gives Edmund Burke as opposed to Marx. Despite Burke being correct in his predictions and Marx being inhumanly wrong in his. Showing truth has little to do with a notion’s political favor. Ideas with favor are fashionable, and people who espouse them are fashionable, running in fashionable circles. While people blurting out unfashionable truths are considered crude by the chic. To the point the unfashionable ones get ostracized. Like Burke. Those who follow the official political narrative then, get the benefit of praise in the press, protection from consequences and payoffs. A strong incentive to sell out.

The system gives those without talent a path to success by advocating for politically favored ideas. The less intelligent and more ignorant the useless are, the more certain they can be and thus all the more vehement. Which is always appreciated by the elite. Then there are the scoundrels, who know they’re peddling a lie, but will peddle it the whole Tour De France. The one is stupid the other a villain. One thing is sure, boot licking for political favor by shilling a lie, is discrediting. Worse, it promotes a system where lies get amplified, and truth gets censured, in the name of misinformation. Those that grift for politically favored ideas then, should lose all credibility, and be treated as such. Ridiculed as the good for nothing scoundrels they are. That’s another strong incentive.


John Pepin

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