Political Violence In Canada

Dear Friends,

I think we can all agree, that political violence is unacceptable, not and never opinions. Using violence to impose a political agenda on a people is by every measure a crime. That is why the Enlightenment thinkers concluded that the State must have a monopoly on violence, and the State therefore must be strictly limited, by constitutions, in the use of that violence. We know from human history though that governments never stay in their lane. For a myriad of reasons, many of which I have outlined in previous articles, governments always outgrow their limits and become despotic. History is unambiguous on this matter. As a result, all governments eventually resort to violence, to support their usurpations, corruption and oppression… as we see in Canada now.

When BLM rioted, in an effort to overthrow Constitutional rule… despite razing public buildings, iconoclasm and the ambush murders of police, their rights were scrupulously protected. When conservatives in the US protested peacefully for election integrity on the other hand, the Interagency created a false flag, and used it to vilify freedom, oversight and conservatives, while imprisoning the Marks for over a year, (so far) without bail or trial. Meanwhile in Canada, Trudeau the tyrant has released UN troops disguised as police, on the truckers. I suppose cleaning the streets, stopping crime and providing bouncy castles for children, while politely asking for a return to Constitutional rule, is too subversive for the despot of Canada. So he had some of them trampled.

Political violence always characterizes the rule of psychopaths, like Mao, Stalin and Trudeau. Their rule is also filled with human suffering on a munificent scale. Mao starved to death around 40 million or so, the numbers say today, they go up every decade or so. Pol Pot killed so many he ran out of bullets so he resorted to clubs and bread bags. Stalin gleefully slaughtered his way through the people until his death. Meanwhile, Fidel Castro was the least violent of them all, he only executed 50 thousand when he came to power. Only God knows how many since then. They are all receiving their well earned eternal reward for their lives on Earth… as Trudeau is earning his. Any political leader who refuses negotiation, for violence, is a psychopath pure and simple and I challenge you to disprove it.

Political violence is never limited, it always gets more and more out of hand, until there is a genocide, like in Cambodia. Every criminal starts by shoplifting, drugs or graffiti. They all start small, some peel off at an early age though, because they were punished. Governments don’t have the benefit of punishment. The people seldom hold their leaders to account, for any violation, no matter how egregious… unless the elite demand it, for political leverage on an intransigent faction or individual. As a result, governments that exceed their authority don’t get punished, and so continue. Eventually the rule becomes so oppressive, the elite must turn to violence, to silence their subjects righteous indignation and pleas for succor. The violence necessarily rises along with the din of the voices.

Confucius said that people follow their leaders into virtue or vice. Since that does appear to be the nature of mankind, then we must force our leaders to be virtuous. How to do that? With absolute transparency. Everyone engaged in government, corporate governance or as a government organ, (like social media) and makes more then 60 thousand a year in pay and benefits, they need to be monitored by video and microphone, the results put on the Internet in real time. Even in their bathrooms at home. They monitor each and every one of us in ours. Don’t believe it? Read the Snowden archives at Wikileaks. No wonder the elite want Snowden and Assange dead. If we allow Trudeau to get away with this naked oppression, it will not get better, it will get far worse… perhaps Great Leap Forward bad.


John Pepin

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