Political Greed

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the most destructive form of greed, is political greed. Individual greed however is good. The individual seeking to improve his or her life, the means being serving others… and by doing so elevates all mankind, while the politician seeking to enrich themselves, take from mankind. Then there’s corporate greed, which the greedy politicians either love or hate, depending if they’re in bed with that corporation. Have you ever heard the fake Indian attack Planned Parenthood’s revenue river of blood, profits or wealth? Of course not! Their greed is her greed. So it’s okay. Your self interest, on the other hand, is vile and hateful to the greedy politicians. It gets in their way. That’s why a greedy politician will call you “greedy,” for not wanting to give him your hard earned money… to do evil.

As Milton Friedman said, everyone’s greedy, my greed’s fine, it’s everyone else greed that’s bad. The communist, the socialist, the fascist and the capitalist are all greedy. Because man is greedy. The difference in paradigms is for the communist to fulfill her greed, she must take from others at the point of a gun, the socialist is a bit more courteous about it, they take using a gun, but say thank you after… meanwhile, the fascist enables their greed by taking from the politically disfavored, and investing that money in global conquest. The evil capitalist however has a different path to meeting his greed. He has to think of a way to serve mankind to get rich. The bastard. Someone else has to get a want or need met for the capitalist to get rich. It’s a two way street, a win win, making it unacceptable to the greedy elite.

No one is more greedy than a politician, who produces nothing but friction, for his daily lobster. All day long they set around making deals to benefit the politically favored at cost to the nation, economy and mankind. Regulations are to an economy as brakes are to a car. Someone who lightly touches the brakes too often will wear them out quickly and have poor gas mileage. Someone who rides the brakes will get the poor gas mileage and brake wear, faster and with the added benefit of loss of control in bad weather. The brakes on our economy must be red hot. That friction may harm the economy and the little guy… but does it enrich the greedy politician and rent seeker. Who’s greed is never mentioned in the unbiased media, in their scrambling greed for a piece of the king crab.

How can someone who is being stolen from accept the moniker, greedy, from the thief? Imagine you’re being held up at gun point in an alley and the thief calls you greedy, because you held out a few dollars in your shoe, for a cab ride home? Would that be the penultimate form of hypocrisy? No, it wouldn’t. When a politician calls you greedy… that’s the penultimate form of hypocrisy, the acme of deceit. Because the robber is certainly not wealthy, moral or intelligent, nor does he claim to be. While the greedy politician is wealthy and claims to be moral and smarter than us. So much smarter, they can spend our money much more efficiently then we can… just ask them. A politician then does the same action but claims it’s virtuous when they steal money. Magnifying a crime with hypocrisy and a lie.

Political greed is a singularly evil human quality. It can only be met by damaging mankind. That’s why politician’s have thought up so many manipulations, to convince us that their greed is virtue, while ours is evil. Twisting right into wrong is a past time of all lawyers, psychopaths and politicians, but I’m being redundant. Amplifying their crimes of greed with hypocrisy, pride, envy, gluttony, sloth and protected by wrath. Then there’s the Epstein thing leading me to conclude lust is also on their list. Meanwhile, some of us believe a better way is to provide a way for everyone to get rich… by serving mankind. Horrible, I know, to serve others for one’s wealth, but you have to admit… it’s efficient. Building wealth instead of destroying it and disempowering the politicians with their multitude of sins.


John Pepin

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