Plowing Around The Stump

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, elites don’t understand the old saying, “It’s easier to plow around the stump.” Because to a progressive elite, every problem has to be addressed in the here and now. That’s one reason they discredit space technology, by claiming, “There are too many problems on Earth to spend money in space.” Progressives focus on the stump and not the field. Becoming fixated on problems that aren’t that big an issue… until they nurture them into full grown dragons. Their only tool is that of coercion and so they attack all our problems with regulations. If those regulations create more problems than they solve… they can always coerce more. Our elites focus so much on the small they become myopic. So much so that today their lack of vision effectively blinds them.

If a problem isn’t growing… it’s retreating. If there’s a stump in your field, and you focus on it, the stump becomes larger than a 200 acre tillage. But if you plow around it the stump rots away. One day you plow right over the stump and eventually forget it was ever there. Obviously, when the stump is fresh and hard, plowing over it would break the plow. That’s why we plow around it. Societal problems are the same. If instead of focusing on problems, we focus on the big picture, the field, the problems will go away. When you buy a dining room set, do you care what religion, race or how the salesman wears their hair? What if you’re selling the dining room set? All the salesman and buyer care about, is price, quality, and if the check is made of rubber. A productive field solves many issues.

Stopping productive labor to do unproductive labor, we sacrifice the production we could have done, to do something we could have done when there’s nothing else to do. Because when it’s time to plow… it’s time to plow. To leave a field unproductive for a year, to pry a stump from the ground, is a poor use of labor. You sacrifice the entire production of that field for a year, now, to gain the small production of the stump’s area, tomorrow. Our focus on the microscopic minority with the mental illness called, “trans,” has propagated that mental illness among our most vulnerable… little girls. Like bulimia and anorexia before. Portraying people with mental illness as heroes promotes that mental illness. Which is focusing on the stump instead of the field.

The only tool an authoritarian has, is coercion… and so they coerce. Moreover, there’s no more authoritarian faction than progressives. They see themselves as enlightened, wise and the authority on every question. Lacking humility they believe themselves better people than the rest of us. If we only knew what they know, and were as smart as them… we would agree. But we don’t and we aren’t. So when our authoritarian elite see a problem, they stop and apply their omniscient intellect, vast educations and willingness to break a few eggs, to solving it. Regulating all our problems away with the stroke of a pen. If they grow instead of shrink, then more regulations are clearly required, because the hoi polloi haven’t followed orders.

If you’re walking through the woods and step on a ground hornet’s nest, do you stop and kill every insect with your fingers, until they’re all gone… or do you move on quickly? Only a fool would go toe to toe with a hornet’s nest… bare knuckled. Yet that’s exactly what we do when we stop to focus on a problem we could simply bypass. No wonder all our societal problems get the better of us. Our elites believe they’re smart enough to force all our problems away, if only they had the political might to do so. They could wipe the white face hornet nest away, bare handed… if only the hands, arms and face didn’t mind a few stings. Nursing welts they stop productive labor, to do unproductive labor, then wonder where the production went. Because our elites focus on the stump instead of plowing around it.


John Pepin

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