Philosphies of Hate

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, that the elephant in the room no one is talking about, regarding the latest Colorado shooting, is the extreme level of violence coming out of the Wall Street protest movement. What is it about this movement that generates such hatred of our fellow man, that could push the unstable to kill so many people? How is it that people who engage in this protest have become so violent and blood thirsty? When has a philosophy led to such a disregard for the rights and humanity of others? These questions have great and profound impact on the future of the human race.

The Wall street protest movement has sparked phenomenal violence in our society. There have been horrendous attacks on the people of the United States by those engaged in it. Thank God most have been foiled. The examples are notable in both their callus disregard for human life and human suffering. The bridge bombers, the campaign headquarters bombers are two that immediately spring to mind. The Colorado shooting is just the latest. There have been hundreds of lesser attacks made on the people and the infrastructure of the US by people who subscribe to this philosophy.

History always has lessons that we, and especially the Elite, are loath to remember. The Wall Street protesters have much in common with other violent movements in the past. Some have led to the worst atrocities ever committed by a government on it’s people. The Nazi movement was just such an event. The National Socialists blamed all the problems of German society on Jewish bankers. The Marxist revolution in Russia is another example, of people vilifying the “rich,” despite the total lack of rich in Russia at the time. The French revolution was another example that was based on a totally callus disregard for the human species and Christianity. The list of atrocities would fill pages and pages, taking all the paper made in the World… for a decade.

These evil and violent movements have several things in common with the Wall Street movement. They all vilify a segment of society, they are all antisemitic, they all call for violent revolution, they all use violent rhetoric, they all dehumanize others and the human race, they all call for a super state, but most importantly they are all based on hatred. To have so much in common, with some of the most violent and hate filled people in history, should be a warning sign of the potential, now manifested, in the Wall Street protests. To utterly disregard the facts and history of these types of philosophies is malpractice of the Elite and the unbiased media.

The normal villain has already been chosen by the unbiased media… American’s access to guns. This is such a knee jerk reaction it has become trite. The Elite and the unbiased media all claim that the rights of the American people, must be diminished a bit, to prevent this type of atrocity from happening again. Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Empirically, we see that where guns are the least accessible, we have the most violence. Our inner cities are teeming with random violence. In Nigeria where guns are banned, thousands of Christians are killed every year, usually by barring the doors to a church and burning to death those inside. Switzerland requires every man to own a gun and they have unusually low levels of violence. Violence precedes guns and if guns go away it will continue unabated.

So we can see, if we open our eyes, that it is not guns that generate violence, in fact, the argument against guns is merely misdirection, it is the violent and dehumanizing ethos of the stateist that is the real culprit. The rhetoric and philosophy that claims that punishing another will make my life better is as pernicious as it is evil. As William James, (my favorite philosopher) said, Philosophies must be judged by their results… not their intentions. The results of the Wall Street protests are universally hate filled as are the intentions. Those that foist this malevolent philosophy on mankind have no love in their heart… only malevolence. Maybe, instead of banning firearms, we should address the real problem and ban socialism, communism and progressivism. All are based on hate.


John Pepin

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