Perverting Democracy To Save It Is Un-American

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the strategy of overwhelming election fraud, with turnout, didn’t work. Apparently, someone at a keyboard can change votes faster than people can place them, who would have thought it? Oh yea, I did. I predicted this very outcome months ago. No matter how many people vote for a thing, the people who count the votes decide the outcome. Given the outcome of the “election,” the Amerikan people want more inflation, more lost foreign wars, more illegal immigration, more crime, more political oppression and more trans kids. That is always a possibility, but I suspect most people at this time, even with the state controlled press, social media manipulators and innovative thought laws, understand what is happening. That once again the elite saved “democracy” from the voters.

All day long the conservative media was filled with reports of machines not working, tabulators counting wrong, irregularities, bomb threats and other miscellaneous election shenanigans. Not that smoke, heat and orange flames indicates fire, but sane people run from such occurrences. I wonder if a single mailed in ballot will get a signature verification? Probably not, that would be a great injustice, by disenfranchising the comatose, senile and dead. They have terrible handwriting. Nevertheless, if these reports turn out to be true or not, they will not be followed up on by the press. The administrative state, tasked with investigating and punishing crime, will not investigate or punish their own crimes. That would be anti democratic, racist and homophobic. Even if election crimes are anti American.

Several decades ago someone said, “If they digitize elections we will find out who the hackers want in office…” Now we do. The experts want the experts to run everything. The once ne’er-do-well anti social types have become the establishment. Putting our elections on computers has been a watershed moment for our republic. It has utterly nullified the democratic element of that republic and replaced it with the arbitrary will of the elite. Today, if every single voter voted against the will of the elite, the elite would eke out a narrow victory, after “all” the votes were counted. Because votes are now digital, they are ephemeral, ones and zeros represented in the charged state of millions of capacitors, that have to be recharged constantly, lest they forget. Charges that can be manipulated easily by people with access.

Once the dust clears, and democrats have not only held ground but gained seats in this mid term, expect everything we supposedly voted for, to accelerate. Oil drilling in the US, even on private land, will be curtailed and no more energy infrastructure, which will drive energy to the sky. The open boarders will open wide. We will follow our criminal leaders and become criminals. Crime will become so common it will become the custom. The foreign policy “blunders” will continue unabated. Once the spring tides flow in the right direction, the CCP will invade Taiwan, and the chip manufacturing infrastructure will be given to them as a reward. Possibly staggering into a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia or China. Many will not have to suffer though, vaccine side effects will have culled them first.

The elite appear to have won another round against the electoral process. Closing all the valves and piling coal on the fire under the engine will have consequences though. I suspect the elite want the people to rise up, so the top can come down, and in doing so make a total break from all Constitutional pretense. The elite despise our Constitution as demonstrated by their actions. Corrupting democracy for political gain is as anti American as it gets. I pray the election fraud is exposed, soon enough to change the course, but if the democrats hold the House and Senate, the Republic is doomed. Perhaps the world, if they stupidly start a nuclear war. Today, the most unwise, stupid and self important people that have ever lived, have total power… the next few years will tell if the world survives it.


John Pepin

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