Peace in the Middle East… a Fools Errand

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, barring the genocide of the Jews or the Muslims, peace in the Middle East is a fools errand. Moreover, that the world focuses so much on that part of the world while turning a blind eye to real human suffering elsewhere, is an enigma. What of the plight of the indigenous people of southern Mexico, the innocent girls forced into the sex slave trade, the country of Tibet occupied by communist China, the extermination of Christianity from it’s birthplace, the tyrannizing of the Kurds by Turkeyor any of dozens of other crimes against humanity? Every President, as a matter of policy, claims to be a champion of peace in the Middle East and spends an inordinate amount of capital seeking to reconcile the Jews and Muslims. Clinton even managed to get the Jewish state to concede to almost every demand, save one of the Palestinians, yet Yasser Arafat turned them down cold. Isn’t it only logical to abandon a fools errand, for a more profitable pursuit, like stamping out the slave trade?

Israel is a tiny postage stamp of land. Islam has conquered North Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia, and now Europe, yet the one place they demand most is the tiny state of Israel. To that end the entire planet must bow to the demands of those who don’t want peace, but the extermination of a whole people… another final solution. Everyone knows in his or her heart that peace there is impossible without the extermination of either the Muslims or the Jews, yet the knee jerk reaction is to seek peace, where peace is impossible. Now such thoroughly proven false anti Semitic filth like the Protocols of Zion are back in vogue. The world’s leaders have nothing to say when the Iranian government openly calls for the murder of the Jewish people, then vilify Israel, for defending itself against daily rocket attacks against schools.

The question of the Palestinian people could be answered immediately if the Muslim world wanted to. They control mammoth swaths of uninhabited land. The Palestinians could be given territory a hundred times the size of Israel that no one lives on… but that solution is unacceptable. Mo Ti said why fight over a city when there is so much land that is uncultivated? Today, the Palestinians are idle in their forced refugee camps, imagine if all that available labor were put to productive use? Imagine the magnificent cities they could build, the farms they could create, the society they could build, all for fraction of the cost of the unending war, but instead of building they are encouraged, by the Muslim world and the West, to fight for that postage stamp of land.

Why spend the money, blood and suffering to steal land from someone when uncultivated land can be cultivated far less expensively? Hate and lust for power is the reason. The naked hatred of the Jews is rising again as it did before WWII. I ask you, does it damage you or your interests that Israel exists? Such obvious racism as calling the Jewish people Zionists, dehumanizes them, creating the conditions for hate and preparing people to murder others who have done them no harm. People will run into a hail of bullets, to forward the ambitions of evil men all day, while very very few will brave gunfire to advance the cause of liberty. How much easier then to brave the sun plowing a field, operate a crane to build a city than to send your children with a bomb strapped to them to kill some Jews on a bus?

If the world were sane they would abandon the fools errand of peace in the Middle East and instead focus on more profitable pursuits, like eliminating human trafficking once and for all, helping the Tibetans achieve sovereignty, stopping the slaughter of Christians in Iraq and Syria… or time travel, all of which are more likely to happen. Hate is a terrible motivation from which to seek peace. Isn’t it past time to see the forest beyond the trees of propaganda and move beyond blind hatred of the Jewish people? When you see someone referencing the Protocols of Zion, calling Jews bankers in reference to the Rothschilds, ignoring the Palestinian terror tunnels while vilifying Israel for cutting off the cement to the Palestinians to build them, speak up. Be a spark of light in a dimming world. God knows, if we don’t shine a light on the darkness that is growing around us, the darkness wins.


John Pepin

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