Out With The Old

Dear friends,

It seems to me, under the old system of free enterprise, businesses would compete for customers by providing the best product and service they could, to win market share. That whole outdated paradigm has been upended today by the brainiacs who run our corporations. They have innovated, and instead of producing quality products that customers want and will pay a premium for, they buy political favor, and thus suppress the competition with sweetheart regulations, taxes, propaganda and arbitrary regulatory enforcement. What an innovation! It incentivizes companies like Netflix, to abandon their customer’s desires for quality family programming as diversion, for political favor and pushing the Morning Star’s agenda, undermining the morals of the people… how progressive!

Banks invented this innovation. The Federal Reserve was brilliant! A set of firms was not only allowed to set up a cartel, but was actually backed by the full weight and power of the US government!!!! What a deal! The results have been breathtaking. Remember 2009 when the banks destroyed the economy, because democrats outlawed “redlining,” and the US taxpayer bailed them out? We lost our jobs, IRAs and savings, but they kept their bonuses. That was awesome! The elite made the mistakes and the workers paid. With this as an example, what firm would not want to go the route of a federal reserve for say, big tech, big industry, big retail, etc…? The message is only lost on the stupid and ignorant. Providing a great product or service is for chumps, gathering political favor is where the real money is.

How did the Banks repay us for that charity? By paying us essentially zero interest on our savings, and charging us absurd “fees” for everything, from mailing our statements to depositing money. If anyone has a credit card and carries a balance, they pay usury, so the bank executives can get a bigger bonus. Meanwhile, the banks that were bailed out… commit fraud at a furious rate. But that is okay because they have political favor. A Bank of America’s subsidiary was just fined 20 million (a mere fraction of their ill gotten gains) for manipulating the precious metals markets, by placing thousands of fraudulent orders. J P Morgan Chase, Goldman, Deutsche Bank, Wells Fargo, etc… are constantly paying fines, for crimes that would put you or I in prison. Clearly, political favor pays!

Netflix has taken this lesson to heart. They have been using their shareholders money to buy political favor and pushing progressive propaganda rather than quality programming. They gave Barak Obama 50 million dollars to create “programming.” He has such a long and storied track record of producing quality visual content with dramatic and compelling stories, with such obvious block busters under his belt as, Nothing, and Total Failure, and who could forget, Doesn’t Even Know How a Script is Formatted! With such credits, Barak Obama obviously qualifies for a 50 million dollar discretionary fund to produce… ahem, “programming.” This intelligent decision will surely pay dividends down the road… if a Netflix executive is caught molesting children. Look what it has done for Jeffery Epstein!

We live in innovative times. Our corporations have abandoned that old, outdated, and arcane way of making money, earning it, for the new, fun and exciting way, crony capitalism! The banking system set the example, and since our biggest corporations are not run by idiots, but by psychopaths, they have followed that illustrious example into the profitable path of political corruption. Widening the trail the banks cut, so that others may follow, until every economy in the West, every company, every firm and every citizen… becomes as corrupt, untrustworthy, conniving and hedonistic as our corporate and political elite. Clearly, abandoning that outdated and arcane practice, of providing quality products and services to customers, was brilliant! All hail the age of political favor! Socialism by another name.


John Pepin

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