Our Subhuman Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, even a cursory glance at the news, highlights the terrible situation we are in and that it is getting worse by the day. Not just Americans or Europeans, not the riots and runaway hyperinflation of Venezuela, nor the threat of nuclear war with North Korea, or even the genocide of Christians… but all of us, every man woman and child on the planet, we are in deep trouble. So… why is it that our leaders, who are undeniably the reason the world is in the horrible shape it is in, distract, lie, steal from us, connive against us, vilify each other and make the situation worse, rather than try to improve it? The tired old adage they have differing views on how to solve the problems they created is too shopworn to take seriously. The elite act like children. If you or I did a tenth of what the elite do, and get away with, we would be fired, prosecuted and jailed. Make no mistake, those who run the world are basically, subhuman. A subspecies that lacks the morality of the herd, don’t have the intellect of a jack rabbit nor the backbone of a snake, they destroy everything they touch, and like a child who’s fingers are covered with sugary goo, they touch everything.

You really couldn’t make this stuff up. Had a writer written a century ago… that in 2017 in the US, babies would be slaughtered faster than the Nazis did Jews in the extermination camps, then sell their parts, the people who exposed them are tried and may go to jail, the government would establish atheism as the state religion, monuments to Jesus would be replaced by monuments to Satan, pedophilia would have an advocacy group, the government would sell guns to Mexican drug cartels then blame gun shops in an attempt to undermine the second amendment, the attorney general would lie to Congress without consequence, we would be taking in tens of thousands of people who openly despise us and our constitution, illegal immigrants would be above the law even allowed to rape and murder with only a temporary ostracism as punishment, our politicians would be above the law and care not who knows it, our money would be fiat, we would have to get used to terrorism to prove how inclusive we are, our children would graduate high school unable to read, write or make change for a dollar but know everything there is to know about how to have gay sex, even as we are facing dozens of potentially existential threats the government spends billions to prove a hoax, etc… the story would have been called too absurd to print!

To the elite, what is theirs is theirs, and what is our is theirs too. They have set up dozens of scams to steal from working people. From the monthly fines of the politically connected big banks to the tune of billions of dollars, where no one goes to jail but the shareholders are fleeced, by the executives as well as the government, where our earnings are stealthily whisked away by inflation due to the printed fiat currency, where our jobs are undermined and sent overseas by regulations designed to prop up politically favored derelict firms to the detriment of growing entrepreneurial firms, while our children’s money is stolen by deficit spending before they even get to grade school, as the elite cast a greedy eye on our bank accounts and 401Ks to “balance the budget,” and our real property is subject to forceful seizure for whatever reason the elite want it for. The elite, around the world, are criminals who in a sane world would be cooling their heels in prison, continue to destroy all that is good and prop up all that is bad.

The deep state war on Trump is only a symptom of the underlying problem not the cause. Trump derangement syndrome is a very real thing and can be seen in real time by watching any major news outlet. It is obvious they have gone completely insane. Those who have created this dire situation, are intent on pointing the finger at someone else, anyone else. The elite have shown themselves to be untermensch in the worst sense of the word. They are the underlying problem. The elite today are the epitome of every bad trait humanity has ever created. The problems we face today are mere symptoms of the evil of our leaders. It is past time for us to recognize our leaders only have their own narrow interests in mind as they rule. If we don’t act now, and demand the elite follow the law and especially our Constitutions, all will be lost. To borrow a phrase… You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing, especially when it is a typhoon wind.


John Pepin

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