Our Replacements… Illegal Immigrants

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the new class is unhappy with the way Americans and Europeans have voted, so they are replacing us with people they believe will vote correctly. You have heard the term undocumented democrats, well tat is pretty close to the whole truth, most illegal aliens are from nations that have no concept, or at best a perverted understanding, of capitalism, socialism, limited government, liberty, human heartedness and history. They mostly come from autocratic countries that have never had those things, yet the people fleeing from dictatorships are more than happy to establish tyranny here. Not that illegal immigrants are necessarily bad, nor that they are stupid, they simply are ignorant and so can be easily manipulated into voting against their own best interests. To put it in the new class/Marxist vernacular, “They are willing to take up their historic role in the revolution.” That is why the elite intellectuals so love illegal immigration from autocracies and forbid immigration from Western capitalist nations. The goal is to destroy every vestige of limited government, capitalism, liberty and human heartedness.

Alvin Gouldner put it this way, “Marx said, ‘Philosophy is the head of emancipation, and the proletariat is the heart.’ But it takes a great deal of fancy theoretical footwork—in short, of ideology and false consciousness—to assume that the head and heart of politics are always integrated and have identical interests. Indeed, much of the discussion among Marxists today, concerning the failure of the proletariat as an historical force thus far, is in effect a discussion about the possibility of a ‘heart transplant’; that is, of replacing the proletariat with another historical actor: e.g., students, blacks, third world forces, etc. Intellectuals are capable of being an autonomous political force and when one social group does not play the role they have assigned to it, when it fails in its ‘historical responsibility’, intellectuals will often shop around for another client group to ‘represent’. False consciousness is generated when the special, vested interests of intellectuals are deemed illegitimate and are therefore concealed, and when intellectuals feel they must pretend to be representatives of another group’s interests.” This is written in the new class language or code, and everyone knows a code is to keep the unwanted from understanding what is said and meant.

To unpack Gouldner’s thesis, in classical Marxism, the people, you and I, have a role to play, it is our “historical responsibility” to bring about a socialist revolution. In the US and Europe, the people have not done what Marx and his allies wanted, rise up calling for socialism, and so we must be replaced. In this way illegal immigration is the “heart transplant” he talks about. The intellectuals, college professors, out of work PHDs, Deans of universities, etc… the leaders of the new class, are more than happy to lead the revolution and overthrow the old order… of liberty, limited government, human heartedness and capitalism, but they can’t go it alone they need a large faction to back them. There is a reason Obama’s government has more intellectuals than any before him and indeed Obama himself is an intellectual.

What and why do they want to eliminate? Capitalism, because the new class are useless and unable to provide anything of real value, they cannot prosper by it but under socialism, they get the benefit. Who cares if the people suffer under socialism, the elite prosper. Limited government is obnoxious to the new class intellectual, since they are always the people who staff government, limiting their power over the people, economy and civilization, offends their egos. Liberty to the new class is something that should be reserved to them alone, those who are not willing to simply live and let live but want control, use justice as a tool to pry justice from the hands of the people. The new class hates human heartedness because there are things a human hearted man or woman will not do. The human hearted person is unwilling to “break some eggs for the greater good.” Human heartedness requires empathy, love of one’s fellow man, acceptance of their flaws and a deep desire to do no harm. How can any revolution get underway until the people are willing to slaughter whomever the elite tell them to?

So there you have it, the new class elite’s love of illegal immigration has nothing at all to do with improving anyone’s life, it is not about compassion or human heartedness, it is about exploiting the political system, for wealth, power and prestige. The new class believes itself to be our intellectual, and moral inferiors, why shouldn’t the rest of us lesser caliber people bow to them, give them our wealth and cow toe to their demands for us? After all, we don’t have PHDs, we are not their equals… we are their subordinates, and so since we are unwilling to accept our role in human affairs, as appointed to us by them, they have no choice but to replace us, with those who are willing to accept their role in the revolution. That my friends is why the new class elite defend and so love illegal immigration.


John Pepin

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