Our Cultural Slide

Dear Friends,


It seems to me, the Elitist culture that runs the World is drunk on their own propaganda. The producers of culture fill the internet and airwaves with vacuous nonsense about how caring our leaders are. Those news organizations that call themselves unbiased vomit naked propaganda like a bulimic and even the Congress has eliminated a law forbidding the US government from passing propaganda. They must coordinate like this because the Elitist culture has just seized fully one third of the US economy and put it firmly under socialist control. The elite are only human, despite their propaganda, and so as they are awash their own misinformation they start to believe it’s true. This would swell a saint’s ego, and as we all know, a big ego is a sure way to a bloody nose.


Now I am not saying a small cabal of insiders run the world from a bohemian grove or anything like that. You have to admit that those who run the various countries around the World do have a pretty incestuous relationship. Without the good, the bad would have no one else to blame for the woes of their people. Without the bad however the “good” would have no bugbear under the bed to point at to keep their people in line. So even those who at first glance would seem to be opposites benefit each other, perhaps in a symbiotic relationship. A relationship that runs on propaganda.


When you consider how many people really decide what World culture will one can only conclude, a very small number of people decide, what we will wear, what our children will like, IE tattoos, what foods we will try, and the depth of important personal decisions that are made by the purveyors of culture is as amazing as is the tiny number of them. They have great power over not only our lives but our pocketbooks as well. By deciding how short dresses will be this year they are ahead of markets, which have to read the cultural elite’s signals. That gives the cultural elite the ability to time the market from what is essentially insider information. When a person has outsized power be it economic, political or cultural, and the cultural elite have all three, it blinds a person to their own faults.


We wear the newest fashion because everyone else does, we try the latest foods because everyone else does and we generally believe the messages in the entertainment we watch. Often to our own misfortune. Most of us just want to fit in, have a decent life and have a few happy grand kids when we die. That’s why in the melee of our own lives, we allow the cultural elite to change history, call the good bad and bad good, we laugh at those crazy Christians… as Christians are portrayed in many shows, even since the 1970s Dragnet and Adam 12. The mindset this pernicious corrosive leaves behind is one that has no foundation or right and wrong to tie to. We see this every day in the news, that young people have no moral compass, they are desensitized to violence, believe in the lowest form of hedonism, and disbelieve in God. The purveyors of culture have achieved Nietzsche dream. When a person achieves a supreme goal they naturally gain faith in their ability. This can bring on a false sense of godliness, if the goal was large enough and hard enough.


Here we sit, with the elite in society drunk on their own propaganda and success. Our society is crumbling because of it but they stand at the apex of their power. Now that society is almost to the point it can be reformed the elite are willing to reform it. They will use the not inconsiderable power they have connived us out of and form a society where they cast off the shackles of Constitutions and law, ascending to a higher plane of enlightenment, totalitarianism enforced equality. Yes, once the strong force holding society together is dissolved by culture’s pernicious acid, we will fly apart like atoms when the nucleus is disturbed. Perhaps the most disturbing thing is that the new society our children will live in will have been formed by drunks.





John Pepin

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