Organized Crime And Appearances

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when one is in organized crime, appearances are paramount. No matter if the organization is the Yakuza, the Cosa nostra, or government. Appearances are important because they convey the idea of legitimacy to the otherwise illegitimate. That’s one reason gangsters constantly say they’re legitimate businessmen, as bureaucrats claim to be public servants. Copying religion, organized crime endeavors to blind us with splendor. Moreover, anything that threatens that air of legitimacy, must be crushed without mercy. Because, should the veneer of legitimacy and authority be scratched, exposing the rot beneath, the organization will quickly succumb to public outrage. Such organizations understand and manipulate us through our eyes. Only when we’re unaware of it though.

Part of the reason organized crime is so successful is they play on our awe of splendor. Confucius himself called attention to the way splendor can influence us, and make the sublime seem real. Parades, congress and court, are all acts of splendor. They capture the imagination and beguile the soul. Keeping us mesmerized by the eye candy and ignoring the world around us. In that way splendor makes us unwise. Plus, when confronted with the amazing, we give authority to the astounding. The more amazing the more authority we give. The US President’s annual State of the Union Address, a gangster’s birthday party is magnificent, as is any court of law, is nothing but splendor. The splendor is to give them authority in our eyes. Because the whole thing is effectively organized crime.

We give authority to that which appears authoritative. This is why banks are marbled, courts are bedecked with wood paneling, and a gansta’s teeth are adorned with gold. Old mobsters were always decked out in pictures. Even when at home playing croquet. They dressed the part to convey who they were. Remember John Gotti? The Teflon don. Have you ever seen a picture of the man when he wasn’t dressed to the nines? You haven’t, because if someone took an unflattering picture of the Teflon Don, they would find themselves in cement shoes, wading the bottom of “Oyster Bay.” Because mobsters not only make sure to look the part but to protect their appearance. Just as a congressperson wears suits, a judge a robe, and the President… depends.

It’s paramount that those appearances are kept up… no matter the cost. That’s why when someone would criticize the Soviet Union, the State would deem them mentally ill, and imprison them in a psychiatric ward. For political madmen. Just as the US and Europe are beginning to do today. A judge in his underwear lacks authority, a mobster with a stained tee on isn’t as respected, just as a President who poops his pants at a D Day gathering, appears to be a tottering old fool. So these things are kept from the public at all costs. If a judge needs a courtroom and robe to have authority then anything that gets in the way is a crime. Contempt of court. Woe be it to the photographer taking unauthorized pictures of a Don. Just as a mockingbird media will protect a poopy pants President.

The way to defend against our innate tendency to give weight to appearances, instead of merit, is to give weight to merit instead of appearances. Of our senses, it’s our eyes we give the most credence to. Despite knowing how easily they’re manipulated. Instead, listen to the words, use your heart to feel, taste their food, smell the perfumed odor, and apply intelligence to discern lies and manipulations. Remember, the judge is in his underwear, the Don wakes up with disheveled hair, and the President’s sphincter is weak. Try not to be taken in by appearances. “Appearances deceive,” and so they’re not to be trusted. So when confronted by splendor and appearance, look under the veneer, to the heart of the organization… and treat it accordingly. Organized crime is nothing but criminal.


John Pepin

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