Organic Versus Fabricated Movements

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, almost nothing we see today is organic, instead most everything is fabricated, bought and paid for. Do you honestly think the George Floyd protests were organic? How about gay marriage? Is it even possible that the “trans” movement arose from a deep seated desire to help the mentally ill… by surgery? The whole culture war thing is a manipulation. Where the elite at Davos or the Bohemian Grove decide what to drive down our throats. Then they use our tax money to do it. The univoice speaks up and the media, academia and government chant the message. Dissent is wrongthink and wrongspeak so is crushed mercilessly. Which is another way to know everything is a psi op. The elite call any debate, misinformation. Proving the Trump movement organic, since the elite despise it.

The elite have been manipulating little girls to their detriment since Edward Bernays convinced them to smoke cigarettes and wear bras. Today little girls are manipulated into the slut life. Which they are told, is far more rewarding than having a family, home and future. Instead they can die barren, alone and with a plethora of social diseases. Abortion is sold to girls as their birthright. Because there’s nothing that keeps one warmer in their old age than knowing they killed their own children. Moreover, the trans movement is aimed directly at women. As progressive politicians mock little girls, who get brain injuries from competing with boys, they cry rivers for rape gangs. Which, if you think of it, is consistent. Girls have an innate need to fit in and that need is exploited.

If consent has to be manufactured, it isn’t consent, it’s slavery by mind control. Moreover, manufactured consent is the antonym of organic. Ideas like freedom, justice and honesty are organic. In that everyone understands them and they come from our own hearts. Legalized abortion, on the other hand, was the opposite of organic. It was imposed by SCOTUS from the top down, no debate, no legislation and no protesting it. In fact, even praying silently outside an abortion clinic got people arrested and sent to prison. Until Trump released them. That’s manufactured consent. Dissent and go to jail. Then there’s censorship of wrongthink. In the UK, any criticism of Islam is met with immediate jail, while Muslims can call for the murder of Brits, without consequence. A naked double standard.

Organic movements, like the reticence to take the Covid shot, are crushed by the elite. Remember how hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and natural immunity were vilified? They were attacked because true organic movements are a threat to the elite’s Hegelian manipulations. The elite, through their lackeys in the payola media, create a narrative and shout down everyone else. Those who only have one view of a problem will only see the solution offered. When several views are offered the better solution becomes obvious. If all you are allowed to know of an elephant, is by feeling its trunk, you’ll think it’s a snake. Although if you were allowed to open your eyes and see the whole thing its physicality becomes clear. That’s a way to know if we’re being manipulated. Are we allowed to see the whole problem?

With an elite that are so self serving, immoral and manipulative, its hard to believe anything today. Their every sentence follows the Bernays maze exactly. As Goebbels’ protege’s, they control the narrative, strictly limiting others speech. Because control of the narrative keeps people from seeing the whole picture. Even as actual solutions are vilified as dangerous. Perhaps the threat of imprisonment needs to be brought into the conversation… If some follow their conscience instead of the narrative. Of course, little girls, because of their need to fit in make great puppets. They can be convinced to act vehemently against their own interests. Allowing the manipulative few to control the masses. That’s why I say, almost nothing we see today is organic, it’s bought by the elite and paid for by us.


John Pepin

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