On Illegal Immigration

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, you get more of that which you reward, and less of that which you punish. That is the basis for law. We don’t want more crime, so we punish crime, to keep people from committing them. It is also the reason for awards, those who do exemplary things get rewards, to incentivize others to follow that example. All of society, culture and our economy benefit when people engage in virtuous actions, and all of society, culture and our economy suffer when people engage in wrong actions. There is nothing hard to understand in that. Then, it seems inane at best, diabolical at worst, why our government should reward evil and punish good? Your fortune, as well as mine, is lowered when bad deeds are rewarded, and so become more common, while good deeds are punished, and so become rare.

Examples of rewarding bad behavior and punishing good have become legion. In this article I will only talk about illegal immigration. Those who try to come here legally, following the rules, are doing virtuous deeds, while those who ignore our laws, coming here illegally, are engaging in bad behaviors. Yet, our government rewards those who jump the fence and come here illegally, even as they punish those who try to come here legally. That seems counter intuitive doesn’t it? From the actions of the Western governments, it appears they seek to have more illegal immigration and less legal immigration.

Moreover, illegal immigrants, by their actions show they disregard immigration law. If they disregard immigration law, then doesn’t it follow they will disregard other laws as well? At the very least it makes it more likely they will ignore the law. Those who illegally cross boarders are by definition risk takers. People who are bold enough to be risk takers are just the people who are more likely to take the risk to rape, rob and live a parasitic lifestyle. They are also more likely to start businesses, run into a burning building to save someone and stand against the tide. Legal immigrants fall under this category of risk takers. However, those that both are risk takers and hold law in low regard, are not the virtuous kind, they are most likely to be sociopaths (utterly self interested) and psychopaths (are impulsive, desire stimulation often through violence and lack empathy).

When the law is ignored, societal cohesion breaks down, the economy flounders and civil authority collapses. This should be obvious because, if you are not safe in your own home, you live in fear, if you cannot trust anyone to do business with, business cannot be done, and when people constantly violate the law the authority of government is reduced. All of which lead to social chaos, economic depression and more draconian punishments, to bring law breakers back under control. If the trend continues far enough or long enough, governments collapse, revolutions occur and empires fall. In every one of those cases the people suffer the most, famine, violence and oppression become common.

Let’s think about our leaders for a moment. Do you suppose they are stupid? So stupid they don’t understand that rewarding illegal activity damages society, the economy and our civilization, resulting an eventual collapse? Or is it possible they are villainous, desiring the people suffer famine, social chaos and repression? That rewarding evil and punishing good is taught at such an early age, we must at least consider the fact, they probably know the results of their actions can only result in evil, yet they do them anyway. Perhaps they believe rewarding evil will result in less evil, and punishing good will result in more virtuous behavior? If they do then they are stupid to the nth degree.

So why do you suppose our leaders are so unwilling to stop illegal immigration, in fact rewarding it by creating sanctuary cities, releasing violent illegal immigrants who have been caught, back onto our streets and even seeking to grant citizenship to illegal aliens? Even as thousands of legal immigrants, many who are suffering extreme persecution, some to the point of being systematically exterminated. Why are they are not allowed to come here? Why would our leaders reward bad behavior and punish good behavior? Either they are so stupid they can barely keep their hearts beating else they are villains. So which is it? Are they villains or idiots? You decide and act accordingly.


John Pepin

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