Oligarchy By Another Name

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the administrative state is a euphemism, for aristocracy. As elite is for aristocrat. People have been programmed to think aristocracy is bad, so the name had to be changed. Why? Because the elite want an “aristocracy” and therefore it needed a makeover. The elite’s manipulation of language to suit their needs has a long and storied past. At least back to Thrasymachus, in Plato’s Republic, who blurted out what the elite think of Justice. It’s a swindle they play on us, so they can take our stuff and abuse us… while calling it just. Modern examples appear in NY courts today. Aristocracy is merely a system. That system can be perverted though. Oligarchy is its perversion. The difference being, the aristocrat serves everyone’s interest, while the oligarch uses political power, to serve himself.

Confusing terms confuses our idea of them. That’s why, if a law is designed to allow child slavery, it’ll be titled, “The anti child slavery act.” Once passed, it’ll assist and protect child slavers. As Section 230 of the Decency act didn’t stop kiddy porn, it abetted it. While also allowing political censorship. The same malevolent logic is used when aristocracy is called administrative state, elitism or collective. The elite are fascinated with gender bending, so have coined the term, “gender affirming,” to mean surgically removing a child’s genitalia. Examples abound of this tactic to twist evil into good and good into evil. It’s a function of intellect. If not wisdom. Because by making the logical ground on which we reckon, liquid, they risk all of us drowning in it… like in quicksand.

Since the elite wanted a return to aristocracy they changed the name to administrative state. Not for linguistics, but to make the idea more palatable to people who grew up in a civilization that abhors anything but, a republic. An aristocrat is defined by their privilege. Is an aristocrat still and aristocrat, if they’re called a public servant? Calling an aristocrat an expert makes them sound much more, well, expert. Most people would rather answer to a judge or bureaucrat, than an aristocrat. Wouldn’t you? We’ve been programmed to believe a judge or bureaucrat is fair, while an aristocrat is haughty. Yet, look at our elites, is there anyone more haughty than a judge, or more petulant than a bureaucrat? They’re privileged aristocrats pretending to be public servants.

A system where only the elite have a say, is elitist, and when the people have no say… it’s called a democracy. By the elite. Since elections can be controlled with propaganda, censorship, vote harvesting, criminal law, mail in fraud, bussing, ballot box stuffing, and whatever closing the counting location over a puddle of pee, then pulling boxes of ballots out from under a table and running them through the machines over and over is… they are. Giving the appearance of democracy where none really exists. Elitist systems such as ours serve themselves openly and without shame. Because the aristocrats decide who’s charged, who’s vilified in the press, and who’s an enemy of the state. The elite can never be any of these things, they are the state, under elitist aristocracy… and oligarchy.

Aristocracy in and of itself isn’t a bad system. Most importantly, however, is that the elite serve the interests of the whole society. Enforced with transparency and consequences for failure. Else it’s oligarchy. Because oligarchy is aristocracy that serves itself. Oligarchy is the natural evolution of aristocracy. As tyranny is from oligarchy. Their actions allow us to  discern our system. Are the courts fair? Is there a double standard? Is there political censorship? Are some citizens the elite’s enemies? Do we have fair elections? Are some favored? Is the standard of living rising or dropping? Are the elite drowning us in illogic? Do the elite serve society… or themselves? These tell us if we live in a republic, aristocracy or oligarchy. What do you reckon, is your country a republic, an aristocracy or oligarchy?


John Pepin

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