
Dear Friends,

I have a few observations:

Why do politicians lie when we all know they’re lying? I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Biden say, “I killed Hitler in single combat in the Thunderdome several years before I was born…”

We all know when elites are lying. Yet they do it all the time. An elite will look us straight in the face, and say, “I can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl,” and expect us to consider them wise?! I suppose it does work on those who ache to be lied to. But since most toddlers can tell the difference…

All an elite needs to escape criminal charges is “Plausible deniability.” While the average citizen needs a great lawyer. The politically favored get a pass even if they record themselves intimidating a mark, write the con down, accept a check, and abandon the incriminating lap top at a repair shop.

If a conservative is charged with malfeasance, the question rests on the severity of the charges… but if a democrat is charged, the legal question becomes… how did they find out?

Why do politician’s suits have pockets? It’s not like they carry anything. Lackeys do it for them. What, are they going to pat themselves down and say, “I was certain those nuclear codes were in here someplace?”

When an elite flies a private plane to stay in a swanky resort, to demand we tighten our belts to save the planet… is that a lack of self awareness, hypocrisy or pure malevolence?

When was the last time you heard someone who favors censorship… allowing themselves to be censored?

What do you call a group of cows? A herd. What do you call a group of crows? A Congress. And what do you call a group of congressmen? Idiots.

Government is a system where the least capable order the capable to be inept.

An egoist is someone who’s self centered. Because… to them, since the universe is infinite, any random place could be called the center. They just happen to be it.

Have you noticed elections these days are marred by propaganda, threats and violence? There’s even talk of civil war… if the elitists lose.

Speaking of elections, they say you can tell the character of a person by how they treat the help, how they talk about others when not around, and how they take a loss.

Trust is a tricky pet. Easy to hold on to, and a faithful servant, but once lost, it becomes rabid and turns on you.

Self sufficiency isn’t at all it’s own reward. It rewards mankind.


John Pepin

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