Obama’s Failings and Our Rights

Dear Friends,

It seems to me the Obama administration has been engaging in the ignorance defense. Both Obama and Biden, in their respective debates, used it in their defense of their role in the Libyan debacle. The Libyan debacle has grown in magnitude as more information has petered out. The hubris of the Obama administration to claim they didn’t have all the facts, the ignorance defense, so they claimed the whole affair was due to a “spontaneous demonstration against an [explanatory adjectives deleted] movie. The administration wants it both ways. That they had no responsibility for the Benghazi consulate, had no knowledge of what was going on there, were unaware of any previous terrorist attacks there in the prior months, were not curious about how their coop against Muammar had turned out, but, were so on top of public opinion they knew, beforehand, a “spontaneous protest” would spring up on September 11, so they had the foresight to “preapologize” for the movie, requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

The Ignorance defense was a tried and true method the Clinton administration used on many occasions. The ignorance defense was Clinton’s fall back defense whenever he was caught doing something. The missing FBI files about the Clinton’s political enemies, that were found in Hilary’s study didn’t point at the Clintons, they were ignorant of how those files got there. Now, Obama claims he was so ignorant of high level security shows at least a disregard for the most important duties of his job, keeping America safe.

If someone is ignorant of a law in the US, and they commit a violation of that law, they are punished the same as someone who broke it knowingly and willfully…. unless they have high political office. If you unintentionally violate an EPA clean water regulation you or I could be prosecuted, criminally, and punished with jail time if we were found to be in violation. Yet the President of the United States, a person supposedly learned, with a Harvard Law Degree, is ignorant of the fact that, leaving an American ambassador in so unsafe a condition he is sodomized and murdered on September 11, and covering up for it with a blatant lie, is not so much ignorance but incompetence. He should understand that seeding the Arab populace with a propaganda tool, (I maintain that the Arab populace knew nothing about the movie before the Administration preapologized for it), to change the subject from protests to get the Blind Shaikh released and a terrorist attack on an American consulate, which members of his administration did watch and he could have watched in real time, but Obama and Biden were too ignorant of World affairs, to a movie he told them about, is absolutely corrupt.

The ignorant defense is something democrats have used but would be off limits for a republican. The unbiased media would jump on a republican who allowed that he or she were ignorant of anything. They would be labeled out of touch, uncaring, etc… the vitriol that would be heaped on a republican, who even entertained that they were not fully aware and fully responsible, would be unending. That is why the ignorance defense works for democrats but would be an epic fail for republicans.

Now, we have the Obama administration using the ignorance defense, with the unblinking support of the unbiased media. They are forced to report new information when it comes out, but they only give it a day’s play, while Mitt Romney’s file folder of qualified women, gets a weeks wall to wall coverage. The blatant lying of this administration, else incompetence if the ignorant defense is actually true, should open eyes. Because it worked for Clinton gives it a good chance of working here; but it is corrupt no matter who uses it. Yet it shouldn’t work anyway because anyone, you or I, who used it would quickly find it useless and worst than useless a tool of confirming our guilt! The ignorance defense requires as a perquisite a complicit media. They create the decrepit conditions in public awareness that allow such obviously sophist arguments to have any standing. This is where we have come. We have given our enemies, the Islamofascists, a propaganda victory, our president has given them more fuel to offend their rabid religious sensibilities, and our President is proven corrupt, incompetent and possibly complicit, at the same time. If this doesn’t make you want to vote for change I don’t know what would…


John Pepin

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