Obama and the Islamic Riots

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the narrative the Obama administration has put out about the 9-11 attacks, against American embassies World wide, is sophistry. The fact that they have verifiably lied about the whole thing makes their intentions and statements suspect. Moreover, there are many facets of this affair that make no sense, unless they are put to the template of the election of a egoistic man, who cares for nothing and no one… but himself. In other words, the actions and spurious logic of the Obama administration, seem to imply that the whole affair has been turned into election propaganda, at the cost of American lives, including an ambassador. Apparently, a cost Obama is willing, for others to pay. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. If true… that the Obama administration covered up the truth, and in fact, created an entirely new conversation, one that changes the topic putting the onus on America for the riots, and therefore is more responsible for the violence than the filmmaker, for merely political considerations… there has been an impeachable offense committed.

Three days before the riots, the Obama administration was warned that there would be protests, they would be to urge the United States to release the Blind Shaikh. The Egyptian and Libyan governments were a source, but there were other credible sources, like the CIA. Therefore, the Obama administration had forewarning of the impending riots, but did nothing to prepare. People in this administration had to understand that such a riot, on the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, would stir up righteous indignation on the part of the American people. Especially since they were to be focused on our holding the mass murderer the Blind Shaikh.

The Obama administration made a great deal of clamor that they apologized… before the riots began. Once the US apology was issued, the theme of the riots changed, from a demand for the US to release the mastermind of the first World Trade Center attack, to a protest about a movie that some obscure filmmaker did. This is curious because of the timing of the thing. Why apologize if the Obama administration had no forewarning? Especially on the anniversary of 9-11? Yet, Obama knew that the original protests were about the Blind Shaikh, and the apology changed the subject, to anti Islamic blasphemy speech in America. Obama changed the bad guy from the rioters… to us.

The circumstances must not be ignored. Clearly the Obama administration changed the topic of the riots. But was it intentional or merely ineptitude? The impact of riots in Egypt demanding the first World Trade Center attacker’s release, on the anniversary of 9-11, so close to the coming election, cannot be ignored. The Obama administration has given billions of dollars to the islamofascist regime in Egypt. The Obama administration has claimed, the Islamic theocracy loves the US, since he was elected. Obama himself called the catalyst of the Arab Spring, the guy who set himself on fire in Tunisia, the Muslim Rosa Parks. To infuriate the American people about his mishandling of the Middle East, to such an extent, would be devastating to Obama’s reelection chances. The facts suggest, at the very least, that it was intentional.

Afterward the Obama administration went on a lying tour of the unbiased media. They now admit they had forewarning, the Libyan President and our defense secretary, among others, have claimed as much, yet the Obama administration continues with the lie. They have constructed a false narrative, that it was the movie and not release of the blind Shaikh, that was the instigator of the riots. But it was Obama who told them about the movie before they rioted! The administration purports the riots on the anniversary of 9-11 were a unplanned event triggered by a movie. But again, the rioters didn’t know about the movie, until Obama apologized for it… Then they glommed onto the movie as reason to attack America again on 9-11.

So, Obama changed the subject, to give the Islamofascists cover. The change in subject created a new conversation. The new topic is that the United States First Amendment to our Constitution is intolerant of Islamofascist feelings. Therefore we must curtail our freedom of expression. While at the same time allowing the Islamofascists to exercise total freedom, of not only speech but action… even to the point of calling for the overthrow of the US Constitution, on our own soil! Murdering our diplomat was merely an expression of their total freedom and intolerance of ours.

These are the actions of a thoroughly duplicitous man. For the President of the United States to give cover to people who seek, as a matter of public record, the overthrow of America, is a crime of the highest order. To even consider releasing the Blind Shaikh to the Islamofascists is insanity, unless Obama wants to destroy the morale of American people and soldiers, while giving a huge propaganda victory… to people who seek our destruction. The timing of events, as forwarded by Obama and his surrogates, coupled with the lying tour, not only suggests this, but makes any other consideration a leap of logic. This conclusion is as obvious as putting two and two together and getting four. But, the unbiased media still insist, it is our freedom of speech that so offends the Islamofascists, that we must curtail it. This is another propaganda victory for evil. It is plain to see that Obama is not working in the best interests of the American people, the people of the World, or even the cause of liberty, clearly, he is working to help the Islamic supremacists establish World tyranny.

You would think Obama was a student of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals… Oh yea, he was.


John Pepin

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3 Responses to Obama and the Islamic Riots

  1. Pingback: Wisdom in Politics « incapp.org

  2. Pingback: Banghazi and the Fall of America « incapp.org

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