Monsters From the Id

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, movements that result in mass slaughter, are in fact “monsters from the id.” Freud said there are three parts to the human psyche, the ego, the super ego and the id. The id is where our monsters sleep. When we act out those monsters in our personal lives, they often destroy us, but when we get together and manifest them as a society, that is when they become truly pathological. Normal folks, who otherwise would be good hard working members of society, are turned into fiends, capable of the most horrible things. We as civilized people must be on the lookout for those monsters. They always take the form of an idea that captures a people. Whatever heinous notion that captures a multitude, you can bet will mutate into a monster from the id, and wreak havoc on mankind.

The ego is the rational part of the human mind… and is the weakest. The super ego is the part of the mind that beats the ego up all the time, I didn’t do that right, I missed that opportunity, I am stupid, I made a mistake, why do I always make mistakes, etc… our super egos are as vicious as they are heartless. Our id is our subconscious. The mist from which our dreams and nightmares arise. Think about your worse nightmare, that is an incorporeal monster from the id. Imagine how terrible that creature would be if made corporeal! When we unite and allow those monsters from our collective unconscious coalesce, they become manifest in the world, that is where and when genocides happen, people are oppressed, arbitrary rule becomes “just,” and human heartedness is a stranger.

The classic example everyone uses is the Nazis, because they are the only movement that is politically correct to hate. The Marxists, socialists, communists, Islamists, Christians, Hindus, Whites, Blacks, Orientals, and people with gaps in their front teeth… all groups are guilty. The German people in 1930 had been beaten about the head and face for a couple of decades, and their egos were thoroughly pummeled by their superegos, which left the id in charge. Hitler just mirrored that collective rising monster from the id, back to the people, focusing it and making it corporeal. Lenin did the same thing, even managing to kill people in more interesting ways. One way to tell, when a monster from the id is in charge of a society, is that logic and reason are eschewed for group think and wrathful anger.

There are ways to find and give rise to monsters from the id. Tyrants, despots, kings, dictators and emperors have done this for millennia. They tap into some deep anger and nourish it, husband it from a spark deep in the id to a full flaming creature, willing to burn anyone or anything that stands in it’s way. Today the deep state in every nation has honed this to a fine edge. The CIA does it around the world, as do Soros funded non governmental organizations, (NGOs). Don’t pretend the Imperial Chinese people’s democratic munificent infallible government, is above such nefarious activities, or the Russian, Japanese, British, North Korean, and every other government. All these agents of Specter are dedicated to conjuring monsters from the id and releasing them on the world to forward their diabolical agendas.

ISIS was an example of a monster from the id, being raised from the dead, and set upon the people of Syria and Iraq. The result was the genocide of the Christians and the Yazidis, rape as a sacramental act, systematic torture and killing of hostages became the norm. Can anyone deny this was the result of a monster from the id? So, how do we stop monsters from the id rising and destroying us, as Godzilla frequently does Tokyo… by pointing out that there are monster from the id and that they often rise and slaughter many innocent people. By shining light on darkness, refusing to lie, standing for reason, debate and free speech. It is by closing down these things that monsters from the id are given form. Don’t let the summoners do their work… and we won’t have to deal with their summons.


John Pepin

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