Migration Proves Communism Evil And Capitalism Good

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, action betrays even self delusion. We’re self interested, and we do what we believe is in our self interest. We don’t work hard to harm ourselves. Do you? Judging from history and modernity, people everywhere and of all stripes believe it’s in their self interest to live in a capitalist country, and not a socialist or communist one. How do we know the one follows from the other? Because where communists control a nation, people are willing to risk death to get out. China, North Korea and Venezuela for example. And where do they go? To another communist country? Cuba? Nope, they go to Capitalist ones. Like the US, Canada and Europe. From this, we can conclude that capitalism is favored by the people, while communism is favored by the elite. Judged by what we do.

Why do I say communism is favored by the elite? Judging by their actions. No command and control idea is offered they don’t accept. Because elitists believe the elite should control. Of course communism is a cherished subject in academia. I bet a plurality of professors would agree that, “real communism has never been tried…” and what they mean by real communism, is that they themselves haven’t been the despot in charge. Then it would work. Every arrogant expert believes he or she could run the command and control economy. While having le petit dejeuner in Paris, il pranzo in Milan and dining in NYC. Judged by their actions, those at the top favor communism, while those at the bottom favor capitalism. That’s why I say the elite favor communism.

If the experts and elite who favor communism are right… why do so many poor people flee it, at risk to their very lives? No capitalist nation has border walls to keep people in, they have them to keep people out. Meanwhile, all communist nations need secret police, else everyone would flee. Venezuela for example. Communism took it from being a wealthy country to a basket case in merely two decades. Today people flee across the deadly Derrien gap to get out of that Hell hole. Risking rape, murder and screw worms to get free. Ask yourself, how many people a year apply to immigrate to North Korea? China has immigration of companies, drawn by government subsidies, no regulation and low taxes. So, communists can bribe people into their systems, but no one goes willingly… and leave the first chance.

Migration flows prove unquestionably which system is better. Judged pragmatically. Since we’ve pragmatically proven capitalism the better system, and the elite claim to be pragmatic, why don’t they accept it? Because the elite and experts are not pragmatic… they’re ideologues, who claim to be pragmatists. Playing with philosophy like Thrasymachus played with Justice. Making them their opposite and in doing so illustrating their weakness. The weakness of justice is that it can be used to rationalize the unjust… and the weakness of pragmatism, is that ideologues can take it away from actual pragmatists, by propaganda and censorship. Nevertheless, migration proves incontrovertibly, that capitalism is preferred over fascism and communism, by the people. Judged by action and not election.

Why are the experts and elites ideologues? Because the education system makes them so. Zealots serve someone else purpose, while pragmatists serve their own. Elites in training are carefully diverted away from why people immigrate and emigrate, and to the intentions of the rulers. Intentions are an easy way to vilify someone. Simply claim their intentions are evil, since we can’t read their minds, we’re so controlled. When a brainac claims communism hasn’t been tried, socialism is more fair, and experts should call the shots… ask them why people flee those places then? Why do folks always go to nations with freedom and capitalism? Judge people by their actions, and not their rhetoric, and you’ll be closer to understanding the truth of things. Migration then proves communism evil and capitalism good.


John Pepin

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