Manipulating Economic Data for Crass Political Gain

Dear Friends,


It seems to me, the latest revelation about the ongoing Obama scandal machine, is perhaps the most egregious. The New York Post has reported that the Census counterfeited the employment numbers just before the 2012 election! No President has ever been reelected with unemployment over 8%. The census lowered the unemployment statistic to 7.8%… when the real number was far higher! This has a profound effect on the economic well being of you and I.


The bureaucracy is supposed to be absolutely non partisan. The power of the bureaucracy today dwarfs that of the rest of government. The executive branch, which the bureaucracy falls under, is tasked with enforcement of the laws and rules pertaining to it. This cuts the legislative as well as the judicial branch out of the loop when it comes to bureaucratic oversight. The bureaucracy gives the executive branch has almost unlimited authority over our day to day lives. That the Obama administration is using the power of the bureaucracy to manipulate economic numbers to get reelected is an abuse of power of the highest order.


The IRS scandal was egregious but this latest scandal is far worse. The IRS scandal was where the Obama administration was using the taxing authority of the government to limit the speech and punish his political adversaries. That in and of itself is a high crime due to the clear Constitutional infraction, IE limiting free speech. Manipulating economic numbers has a more pernicious effect however.


The United States is a capitalist nation. In a capitalist country businesses depend on economic data released by the BEA, Census and other departments of the bureaucracy, to make profoundly important decisions. Decisions that effect employment, wages, GDP growth, investments, pensions and the list goes on. These decisions effect the economic well being of every American citizen deeply. Now that we all know that the numbers the government releases are in some cases fiction no one in their right mind can count on any of them.


Even if 99% are true, who is to know which of the thousands of statistics the US government releases are true or politically motivated? The wise person who knows there are lies mixed in with truths will not believe anything unless it is independently verified. Now we all know there are at least some lies designed based on political machinations. To make an economic decision based on false data could cause a person to go bankrupt. When it comes to a person’s own economic well being, we are all rational maximizers.


Therefore, this latest scandal has a greater effect on the economic well being of the American people and people the World over, than any scandal by any President yet. The World will be effected because the US is still the economic engine of the World. Since the US is the engine many economic decisions made in other countries are based on the US economic statistics. Now that they know at least some are politically based, no country can rely on them. This makes the economic foundation not granite but quick sand.


Perhaps this is part of the reason the World’s economy is faltering. Oh yes, Britain is seeing an economic rebound and Germany is going full bore, but the rest of the nations around the World are either in recession or teetering on it. The US economy is on life support through a trillion dollars a year printing and monetizing the debt by the Federal Reserve. Taking money from savers and giving it to spenders. China is faltering as is all of Asia. The recent uptick in the Japanese economy is a mirage based on, again, monetizing their debt too. Most of the nations in Europe are in economic free fall. Italy is in it’s third year of recession and the picture is no better in Africa. Thousands are drowning in the Mediterranean sea trying to get to recession torn Italy!


The excuse the bureaucracy is giving is the manipulation wasn’t systematic! Lies compounding lies. To manipulate such statistics for the crass reason of holding political power is criminal. It will inevitably further lower the economic lot of Mankind. Regardless if the unbiased media pick up this latest scandal or try to cover it up is irrelevant because the monied elite and the world’s bankers know. Rest assured they knew before the Post reported it. They will react accordingly, without regard to the well being of the World’s working people, let alone the impoverished. Yes Obama has really done it this time. There will be no negative consequences for Obama but for you and I the results will be dire. But at least now we know with certainty… the connivers in government cannot be trusted with anything!





John Pepin

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