Managed Decline

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite want to manage America’s decline, and will brooch no exception to that paradigm. There’s a ton of money to be made riding the US into the ground. Then the global administrative state that comes after will be glorious. That’s why the idea of America in ascendance, is not just unthinkable, but infuriating to the elite. Those who seek to stop the decline are therefore, enemy number one, even as those who seek America’s fall are allies by default. They’re captured by the idea that if only they can manage the decline of America, so us grazing masses don’t notice, then they can grind it to dust, and restart a new world order from the ground up. In the image they find appealing. A global bureaucratic nanny state, run by experts, from which there is no escape.

Any friend of America is an enemy of the elite. That’s why Trump is so despised by the elite. He doesn’t want to manage the decline of the US, he wants it to go into ascendance again! That rat! Moreover, when he was in power, he actually did it. That in and of itself can never be forgiven. Pointing out the ineptitude of the elite, whether contrived or true, is unacceptable. Plus it opens a portal for the victim class to see the mechanism of our oppression. A nation in ascendance, is by definition, not in decline. Since decline is what the elite seek, Trump and anyone like him, who would see the US ascend, is enemy number one. That’s why they’re willing to make up anti constitutional “laws” to get the man. They’ve become unhinged at the threat to their plans… to manage the decline of the US.

Any enemy of America is a friend to the elite. You see this in the way the elite so love the CCP. Abetting the chemical warfare against our youth with open boarders. Nothing says, “The Fentanyl must flow…” like welding the gates to the boarder open. Speaking of open boarders, it’s no shock to conclude that American culture will be watered down by millions of people flooding into the nation. Just like British, French, and German culture is watered down by millions of illegal immigrants. Undermining the culture itself is a great way to create decline in a nation. Making inflation by shutting down the economy (creating supply shortages) and handing out stimulus (increasing demand) will force inflation, even in a world’s reserve currency… and thus manage the decline of our nations.

A managed decline is very profitable to those who manage the decline. They know the timing of the absurdity and short the stocks of the industries they are bankrupting. Naked short sell an investment you’re demolishing by exploiting law as a means to destroy… ride them to zero, take the profits and hand back the worthless paper to the shareholder. I’m sure Nancy Pelosi could conduct a university level class on this tactic. The inflation angle is a historically tested way to transfer wealth from the bottom to the top. Print money and give it to the top. The top gets the utility of the printed money while the bottom pays the inflation price. Argentina has used this strategy to fleece the people many times. Like Lucy offering Charlie Brown a football, the Argentinian elite say, “This time…”

We have to ask ourselves, do we want to ride America and Europe into the ground, or do we want to ride it to infinity and beyond? Because in truth those are our options. Every problem we have, is self imposed by the elite, to achieve their end game of a glorious new world order, where we’re ruled by experts with the unlimited authority they need, to make us do the right things. Because, the elite are better educated, smarter, and well dog gone it, just better people than us. Riding our nations into the ground using the naked short selling model. Borrow the shares (get power) use the power to destroy the nation, then cash out. If they can manage the decline of America and Europe, they could birth a CCP type world government. If they can manage the decline. To have my druthers, I prefer ascendance.


John Pepin

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