Dear Friends,
It seems to me, I once heard a saying, it went like this, “You don’t defecate where you eat.” This saying, while more crudely stated the way I heard it, has many applications, not the least of which is the London riots. In the case of the rioters we see people who are clearly defecating not only in their kitchen but in their actual flour. Unfortunately most all of us eat from the same flour bin.
This violence is ginned up by anti capitalists. It is always in the interests of anti capitalists to have unrest in society. The anti capitalist feeds from violence and unrest like a vampire feeds on the blood of it’s victims. The vampiric anti capitalist draws sustenance from violence as the capitalist draws sustenance from harmony. Peace being a prerequisite for business to thrive.
Since absolute power is the aim of the anti capitalist or protyranist, it must create the environment where normal people, with a modicum of common sense, will choose a path that is obviously not in their self interest. There are two avenues that have worked in the past. One is hatred of some group, say the Jews, the other is to cause such violence and disquiet in society, that the common person will turn to a tyrant to enforce the peace. Machiavelli had a great deal to say on this subject.
So, if the anti capitalist – protyranist, finds itself in a benevolent society, it tries at first to pick some group that it believes will be easy to vilify, say for example the “rich.”. Then the protyranist, using the mechanisms of culture; art, media and rumor, turn society against that group. Once the vampiric protyranist believes that hatred is at it’s apogee, it will open the jugular of violence… and feed.
Violence and hatred combined, are a powerful force, enough to crack an opening in society, even a virtuous society, that will allow an oppressor to come into power. Hitler was just such a tyrant. He was vehemently anti capitalist, hated almost every other race of people and thrived by violence. In the end he visited ruination on the people of Germany and most of the rest of the World.
These children, rioting in the street, are just ignorant. They are ignorant because they have never been taught better. Perhaps because of political correctness, nothing is actually wrong, morality is perspective dependent and so forth…
No more corrosive sophistry has ever been taught. The total attack on God, by the protyranist anti capitalist faction, is incessant and culturally oppressive. The mere mention of the name, Jesus Christ, in far too many circles, sends shudders down the backs of the “enlightened”. Enlightened fools is what they really are, or as it has been put before, helpful idiots.
They are helpful to their future oppressors. Those that vomit into the culture the sophistry of political correctness and diversity, those who only seek to create the conditions to seize power, then political correctness will be extinguished, like Leon Trotsky, as it will no longer be of use. The US is the big prize though. If it can be destroyed, the best example of capitalism can be extinguished. Put out the light on the hill and everyone will be groping in the dark. That is where vampires feed best isn’t it?
How stupid is it for the rioters’ parents to allow their children to be so ignorant? But then again, the modern welfare state takes children away from the parents at as early an age as possible, to minimize parent’s civilizing influence from happening. The parents are marginalized in the modern welfare state. So we have no further to look than the accomplices in the government who have allowed the Protyranists to make the children so stupidly ignorant. They need only look in a mirror to see who abets the crime.
Helpful idiots are what these rioters are in the end. They are not destroying someone else’s property. They are destroying their own. Most of them live by the suffrage of the welfare State. As the ability of the economy in a welfare state is damaged, the ability of the welfare state to feed the indigent’s it creates, is eroded as well. So it is not out of reach to say that the Marxist rioter, who destroys the economy that he draws his sustenance from, is essentially defecating where he eats.
Kind of gross isn’t it?