Dear Friends,
It seems to me that the minds of anti capitalists are made up and there is no argument that can ever reach their ears that would, or could, remove the scales from their eyes. The romantic anti capitalist is vehement that he or she sit in their cave and only watch the shadows on the wall, their back to the opening, while professing to know reality. Always feeling instead of thinking they sit in judgment of every facet of their neighbor’s lives. Never understanding the irony of a person who is at once the absolute judgementalist while demanding not only no judgment of their lives but approbation, no matter the action, if it is theirs.
We all make snap emotional judgments it is in our nature. There is no one among us who is not afflicted with this trait. Our ancestors lived in a world where snap judgments meant the difference between life and death. It is ingrained in us. But it is also ingrained in us to consider our reaction afterward. That is one of the traits of civilization in Mankind. The ability and attribute of assessing our actions and the outcome of them to garner better outcomes in the future.
This ability to look at the past and understand, intellectually, how our actions and the actions of others, even those of historical figures, have effected the World. It is our intellect that allows us to make these considered judgments. It is our intellect hat Socrates held as the primary difference between Man and beast. It was Emotion that Thrasymachus begged in his argument. By the last days of the Republic Rome had totally devolved into emotional decisions backed by sophist arguments to justify emotional actions. Sulla was no less guilty in this than Marius.
Look at the unquestionable evil that anti capitalists have visited on Mankind. From Stalin’s imposed famines through the Killing fields of Cambodia to Osama Bin Laden’s attack on the World Trade Center. Anti capitalists use logic, as a means only, to justify emotional reactions. Like arguing it would be a good thing to put sterilants in other people’s drinking water. No one argues that they personally should be fed sterilants against their will. It is others that have too many children and should be treated thusly.
As soon as the argument is won logically the anti capitalist flies into a rage. Then the personal attacks come out. No level of vitriol is too low to be leveled at a person arguing for liberty and the market system to cog and the sprocket of the machine of Mankind‘s advancement. The US Constitution is often at the point of attack. The anti capitalist faction seeks to undermine capitalism by gutting the Constitution. They make absurd arguments like the bill of Rights is there to protect the government’s rights to disarm the people. One of the most contemptible things anti capitalists do is redefine the Constitution. Take the redefinition of freedom of religion to separation of church and State.
Separation of church and state is a means to destroy freedom of religion for those anti capitalists that hate God. They believe that they can destroy their creator with rhetoric. Then when confronted with the question, what if there is a God they respond, well he must be a good guy and will forgive me… Presuming there will be no consequences no matter what. A very poor presumption to make; one that will possibly lead to ruination.
The anti capitalist will march all day to call for action in the face of Global Warming. Cite all the fabricated and out of context data the alarmists at the IPCC pull from their butts… and eat every bit. But any reasoning person must consider the fact that there is incontrovertible proof that Mars has warmed in the same time frame as Earth and about the same amount. This is far too coincidental to fluff off as a change in the color. I suppose a planet going from 2/3s ice cap in 1959 to 1/8th ice cap today would change the color from white to red. But the color change is an effect not a cause. It is possible human activity may have a slight effect on planetary climate, but the total effect must be solar system wide, if it is experienced solar system wide.
But the anti capitalist sees red when this argument is presented to them. No! It must be humans! No critical thinking at all. Because the theory fits well within the anti capitalist’s world view. That other people are bad and need to be controlled. Not only their property but their persons even down to their personal reproductive rights. There is no facet of human existence the anti capitalist does not consider himself entitled to control.
How a person can share every philosophical point with the National Socialist party, but call them evil and toss their common name around as an epithet to their political enemies, is amazing to me. But when a person is tied to the world with bindings of emotion, eschewing logical argumentation, it is not only possible but is a necessity. So keep arguing 5.5% unemployment is a jobless recovery but today we are living large at almost 90% employment.