Limits on Speech, Action and Thought are The Progressive Way…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives want to be able to think as they want, do as they wish and say what they will, while claiming offense whenever someone else exercises those same rights, thus limiting what others can think, their actions and control the dialogue. While a progressive would scream to the heavens if a conservative tried to control what they say but feel entitled to control what a conservative says without the least guilt. This is one of the facets of progressivism that so flummoxes libertarians and conservatives. We are limited in our speech, actions and thought while the progressives are allowed to think of ways to destroy our Constitutional form of government, they are allowed to promote perversion in our schools and their speech is sacrosanct, which limits our ability to effect the society and our civilization and empowers theirs. As we watch our liberties slip away, our options limited and even our thoughts controlled, the means is the double standard where one faction is allowed unlimited actions, speech and thought while those who would oppose them are strictly limited. This paradigm can only lead to suffering and poverty for mankind.

Progressive protesters, like the Occupy crowd, do the most vile things in their protests, yet if anyone were to even brooch the subject of limiting their actions by threat of jail, the unbiased media would fill will vitriol like a tsunami filling a bay in Japan. Like the tsunami lifts the water level above where it normally is, the false outrage generated and promoted by the left, is out of proportion to reality. On the other side of the isle however, laws have been passed limiting where a pro life person can protest, what they can say or show, which amounts to limits of free speech, actions and thought. Courts are finally finding this to be unconstitutional, but the damage is done, a right limited is a right taken away, a right taken away is a right denied and once denied is gone forever.

Today, a Right that is codified in our Constitution, freedom of religion, has taken a backseat to Gay rights, that were invented by progressives to undermine the nuclear family and religion. The firestorm over a freedom of religion acknowledgment law in Indiana is a case in point. What the progressives are actually arguing… is that no matter the religious compunctions of a business owner, they can be forced by writ of law to violate them, at any time for any reason as the elite see fit. The elite see it as their duty to undermine religion and progress all of humanity to becoming atheists.

The elite in our society have absolutely no respect for the rest of us, to the point they see us little more then Guinea pigs, to be experimented on as they see fit. No scientist want’s his experiment subjects to talk back or to have an opinion on the experiments carried out on them, and no politician wants his or her subjects talking back, thinking for themselves, or worse yet, convincing others not to bend to the experiments. That lack of respect is based in a lack of compassion. They claim to have compassion, but their actions, attitudes and rhetoric show they are empty. What scientist has compassion for the rat he while he is inserting electrodes into it’s head?

The lack of respect and compassion by the new class elite for us, along with their method of controlling our speech, actions and thoughts, can only result in poverty, tyranny and suffering. Limiting speech stifles philosophic advancement, controlling actions results in lowered expectations and minimizing thought can only lead to ignorant and thoughtless people. These things do have one benefit however, they allow the elite to amass power, wealth and prestige, while eliminating any threat to the hegemony of the new class. The ability of the new class to control speech, thought and actions is only limited by our fear of the names they call us. They know that, and use that fear as well as our existing liberties to undermine our individual sovereignty.

That is the font of the many inconsistencies of progressivism. They claim aborting an innocent baby is a good thing, but killing a murderer is a bad thing, they argue the sexual preference of an individual trumps my religious right of conscience, they detonate bombs with impunity and we can’t even open a lemonade stand without their permission, the list of inconsistencies of the policies of new class progressives is limitless. We are to ignore those inconsistencies and lapses of logic for the beauty of their Utopian new world order.

So here we are, in a place where one faction can say anything, do anything and think anything, while they deny the rest of humanity those freedoms. That faction that has risen above the rest of us, has an agenda that is as diabolical as it is conniving. They have no respect or compassion for the rest of humanity, which they see as mere lab rats to be manipulated as they see fit, so they have no guilt to muddy up their world view. The only place such a system can lead is one where poverty, tyranny and slavery are the norm. We only have ourselves to blame. We have allowed it, gone along blindly and voted for them. We have been tricked by the oldest con game in existence, trusting a despot not to be who he is.


John Pepin

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