
Dear Friends,


There once was a faction panda,

They only lived on propaganda,

A pleasant sight,

By warm gaslight,

And organ harvested out on the veranda.


Beware the intellectual caste,

With egos mighty and vast,

Apt rationalism,

Lacking wisdom,

It’s folly that they broadcast.


The insufferable elite are like a Gorgon,

Be silent within their political cordon,

Leftists pretend they’re librarians,

Claiming they’re not totalitarians,

But it’d be easier if they didn’t tyrannize so often.


There once was a bureaucracy called the FAA,

Did nothing but play with themselves all day,

Political hacks,

Inept sad sacks,

And so they frittered the future away.


There once was an outfit called Space X,

A total utter and complete success,

Indeed visionary,

The coal mine’s canary,

And where the world’s John Gaults can apply their genius.


There was a people who turned from God,

Thinking that rationalism was to applaud,

Not empiricism oh no,

A priori they know,

And giving their souls to whatever is mod.



John Pepin

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