
Dear Friends,


Some say what’s in our imagination,

In reality we’ll see a manifestation,

If our thoughts are clear,

We can bring them here,

And in doing so bring us illumination.

Administrative states are bottomless fens,

And Bobby Kennedy Jr. is a dozer driving pins,

But in a mortal fight

For justice and right,

It’s the swamp that usually wins.


Of hate gall and guile the left is blessed,

They ply it to society to create distress,

Hegel is proud,

They say it aloud,

And to blatant hypocrisy they do confess.


There once was a crazy cat lady,

Her political ideas were a bit shady,

She sat all alone all day,

Watching children play,

I’ve nothing else to do since I aborted my baby.


There’s always good justification to censor,

Always an expedient and never a pleasure,

They do what they do,

The omniscient few,

Saving us from ourselves as a preventative measure.


The FBI’s become corruption dot com,

Their the deep state’s ribbed condom,

Oaths they forsake,

But for heaven’s sake,

It looks like they planted the January 6th pipe bomb.



John Pepin

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