
Dear Friends,


Of liberty and justice France is bereft,

Terrorism election fraud and open theft,

Totalitarian masters,

Economic disasters,

And behold the results of rule from the left.


Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder,

As the censors get ever stronger and bolder,

Censorship empowers,

Those in ivory towers,

And speech becomes a mere political soldier.


Of crimes the left is full of actions,

We’re a bunch of ignorant factions,

They’re wiser than us,

Having rode the short bus,

So we should behave and never ask questions.


Britain was safe prosperous and had optimism,

So the elite solved it by importing barbarism,

Stabbings at large,

Labor’s in charge,

And they’re worried about a backlash against Islamism.


The law is a system to create concord,

Double standards and perverts award,

Islamists stabbing little girls,

Is fine so don’t clutch your pearls,

Free speech is bad though because it fosters discord.



John Pepin

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