
Dear Friends,


The State and media are happily wed,

We live rent free in their head,

Unpopular as ever,

So they endeavor,

To ban all other voices instead.


These are such heady days,

The corrupt win in so many ways,

They broke the law,

They got caught,

And now we realize that crime pays.


The wise elite see very far,

Look at where they set the bar,

Satanic Olympics,

Mad metaphysics,

Because they’re telling us who they are.


Bring in a hostile foreign enemy faction,

Then exploit the chaos as a call to action,

But those laws don’t apply,

To the terrorist or bad guy,

Those laws are to oppress the citizen section.


Oh that before we all knew,

Over the cuckoos nest it flew,

Bureaucracy’s way,

Whatever they say,

The exact opposite is always true.



John Pepin

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