
Dear Friends,


There once was a gal from Hong Kong,

Her love of freedom was terribly strong,

She protested the CCP,

Was beaten by degree,

And with a split lip she struggled along.


There once was a judge named Amy,

Her rulings were always a bit gamey,

She had great effect,

The powerful to protect,

And in truth she is a corporatist crazy.


The state puts rinos in a position,

To pervert the politics of the nation,

The horse before the cart,

They’re progressives at heart,

Showing the republicans are controlled opposition.


Democracy is such a bother,

It’s vexing to an elitist author,

So ban the populists,

Allow a raised red fist,

And it’s the downtrodden that they’ll really clobber.


A sight a sight here comes the far right,

With bad intent they terrify and fright,

For peace they are aspiring,

As the left is peacefully rioting,

And the hypocrisy has reached an incredible height.



John Pepin

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