
Dear Friends,


They demand we all surrender,

To ideas satanic or boot leather,

The media and university,

Are lovers of diversity,

As birds of a feather flock together.


The vindictiveness’ of the left is astonishing,

Acting without shame or wisdom’s admonishing,

The DOJ’s a tool,

Criminals now rule,

Which proves the Deep State needs abolishing.


The FBI’s criminal we all know,

People still believe in it though,

Fedserrection a lot,

Whitmer kidnapping plot,

And so it’s past time for the FBI to go.


The elite are captured by the insane left,

Of morals and ethics they’re utterly bereft,

Don’t take a loss,

Win at any cost,

And at stealing elections they’re amazingly deft.


A fright a fright here comes the far right,

With cell phone charged and torches alight,

With logic to spare,

Sporting gray hair,

Restoring morals and ethics the dastardly blight.



John Pepin

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