
Dear Friends,


When someone’s to the left of Lucifer,

They often use spurious logic circular,

Willing to fight,

By gaslight,

And their motives are always sinister.


Remember back in the 1990s when,

Disagreeing with SCOTUS was a sin,

TV shows said it too,

Our opinions are blue,

But now threatening them is a win win.


George the sage praetor invictus,

Hearing only what he instructs us,

Telling the truth,

Is so uncouth,

Claiming honest reporting is journalistic malpractice.


We get along with our neighbors just fine,

We have them over to dinner, cards and wine,

The elite however,

Who know better,

They argue, fight and make war all the time.


Magically malevolent as an elf,

Hiding in the dark on a bookshelf,

Do not demur,

One thing’s sure,

Evil always destroys itself.



John Pepin

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