
Dear Friends,


There once was a coverup artist Block,

The propaganda he spouts are a crock,

Deep state shill,

A bitter little pill,

And he serves in the Beast system’s flock.


There once was a despot named Tony,

The guy was a bum and a real phony,

Half wit in charge,

Fat as a barge,

And in many ways he’s the likeness of baloney.


Hark the end of the world is near,

It’s the Bird flu that’s coming here,

Panic and fume,

Stay in your room,

And live in perpetual fear.


The elite are above the law,

Our Rights away they claw,

Honest observation,

Is disinformation,

And it’s logic that’s based on a flaw.


The tragedy of mass migration is truly sad,

The crime turmoil and poverty is really bad,

Brought by the elite,

Racism to defeat,

Proving the elite in Europe have gone stark raving mad.



John Pepin

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