Dear Friends,
The US is a Kritarchy in all but name,
The judiciary now runs the whole game,
Now be a mensch,
And please step quickly into this flame.
Some judges are a mere political hack,
The law and Constitution they attack,
Epstein isle alert,
Paid by the CCP to stab us in the back.
The power of the courts has soared.
Now that our Constitution is ignored,
So nothing will change,
Because SCOTUS is all onboard.
There once was a SCOTUS with ethics of vapor,
Thinking they’ve pulled off quite the caper,
Usurping the executive’s power,
As they used our Constitution like toilet paper.
The courts must have honesty that never budges,
It’s pure corruption for a court to hold grudges,
It makes them degenerative,
And demand impeachments for these rogue judges.
John Pepin