
Dear Friends,


General Smedley Butler said “War is a racket.”

It’s hard to understand so let’s unpack it,

Some people in blood pay,

Others get money and sway,

So the elite can wear a new leather jacket.


When politics has the power to ruin people,

We must seek power to insure we’re equal,

Then sold a lie,

To take our pie,

Because the elite have made theft legal.


Trudeau is no innocent prankster,

He’s more of a political gangster,

Truth dost bespoke,

He does promote,

The politics of a searing canker.


There once was a demagogue called Brandon,

In everything bad and evil he had a hand in,

Destroying a nation,

With sly ingratiation,

And he was lost in space with the finesse of a cannon.


Wrongthink and wrongspeak are a terrible sin,

Putting ideas and concepts in a rubbish bin,

The hypocrite knows best,

Censoring us ignorant rest,

And an Orwellian oligarchy they’re ushering in.



John Pepin

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