Dear Friends,
General Smedley Butler said “War is a racket.”
It’s hard to understand so let’s unpack it,
Others get money and sway,
So the elite can wear a new leather jacket.
When politics has the power to ruin people,
We must seek power to insure we’re equal,
Then sold a lie,
Because the elite have made theft legal.
Trudeau is no innocent prankster,
He’s more of a political gangster,
Truth dost bespoke,
He does promote,
The politics of a searing canker.
There once was a demagogue called Brandon,
In everything bad and evil he had a hand in,
Destroying a nation,
And he was lost in space with the finesse of a cannon.
Wrongthink and wrongspeak are a terrible sin,
Putting ideas and concepts in a rubbish bin,
Censoring us ignorant rest,
And an Orwellian oligarchy they’re ushering in.
John Pepin