Dear Friends,
My greed is bad while yours is good,
Capitalism’s iron to socialism’s wood,
As everyone learns,
Is the hypocrite’s deceiving hood.
Elitists thought it was in the pail,
When they lost they began to wail,
She had it in the bag,
There was just one snag,
They couldn’t fathom vote fraud would fail.
Totalitarianism’s plain to see,
Why doesn’t everyone flee,
Toys are now illegal,
Despotism’s so regal,
And Britain is now a recognized tyranny.
Karl Popper must spin in his grave,
To be misquoted by such a knave,
Divine sophistry,
How can it be,
Falsification is now a pseudo science of Bacon’s cave?
Refugees trodding the world filled with care,
It’s rude when they pass and people stare,
With new clothes and cell phone,
Brutalizing people in our home,
But it’s fine because they’re looking for better welfare.
John Pepin