
Dear Friends,


At the sound of war the MIC never balks,

Eschewing anything productive like talks,

Send in the foreign aid,

All American made,

But in truth they’re nothing but chicken hawks.


John Deere forgot to add their factors,

Customers are self interested actors,

DEI was uncovered,

So they discovered,

That bureaucrats and trans kids don’t by tractors.


Turns out Fredrick Bastiat was a prophet,

Now despotism has come out of the closet,

The law doesn’t protect,

Instead it’s a suspect,

Proving Thrasymachus right in his posit.


I have a stake in this race I must confess,

Prevent the world from becoming a mess,

The opinions of others,

But to have my druthers,

I want more life in the world not less.


The progressive faction whines and whines,

Apoplectic screaming and showing signs,

You know whats sad,

The reason they’re mad,

Is because we stopped them from bringing on the end times.



John Pepin

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